本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-04
徐军田,男,博士,教授,博士生导师。江苏海洋大学海洋科学与水产学院院长,江苏省研究生教育指导委员会委员,江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀骨干教师,江苏“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人,江苏省“333高层次人才”中青年学术技术带头人和江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才,连云港市“十大****”,厦门大学博士后(2010-2012),德国亥姆霍兹基尔海洋科学研究中心访问****(2014-2015)。近年来一直从事藻类与全球性海洋环境条件变化关系的研究,以常见大型海藻和浮游硅藻为研究材料,已在Nature Climate Change、Plant Physiology、Bioresource Technology、 ICES Journal of Marine Science、Biogeosciences、Marine Ecology Progress Series、Aquaculture、Harmful Algae和《海洋学报》等权威刊物发表论文100余篇。主持国家自然科学青年基金、国家自然科学面上基金和江苏省自然科学基金等10余项。获得2017年省自然科学一等奖(排名第2)。
联系方式: Email: jtxu@jou.edu.cn
1. Jing Ma, Tianpeng Xu, Menglin Bao, Xiaoyan Liu, Zhenzhen Li, Guang Gao , Xinshu Li, Juntian Xu*. Response of the red algae Pyropia yezoensis grown at different light intensities to CO2-induced seawater acidification at different life cycle stages, Algae Research, 2020, 49: 101950.
2. Jing Ma, Wen Wang, Xiaoyan Liu, Zhiqin Wang, Guang Gao, Hailong Wu, Xinshu Li, Juntian Xu*. Zinc toxicity alters the photosynthetic response of red alga Pyropia yezoensis to ocean acidification, Environmental Science and Pollution Research,?2020, 27(3): 3202-3212.
3. Guang Gao, Qianqian Fu, Beardall John, Min Wu, Juntian Xu*. Combination of ocean acidification and warming enhances the competitive advantage of Skeletonema costatum over a green tide alga, Ulva linza. Harmful Algae, 2019, 85: 101698.
4. Guang Gao, Min Wu, Qianqian Fu, Xinshu Li, Juntian Xu*. A two-stage model with nitrogen and silicon limitation enhances lipid productivity and biodiesel features of the marine bloom-forming diatom Skeletonema costatum. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 289: 121717.
5. Hailong Wu, Jingchi Feng, Xinshu Li, Chunyan Zhao, Yanhong Liu, Jintao Yu, Juntian Xu*. Effects of increased CO2 and temperature on the physiological characteristics of the golden tide blooming macroalgae Sargassum horneri in the Yellow Sea, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019, 146: 639-644.
6. Guang Gao, Liming Qu, Tianpeng Xu, Grant Burgess, Xinshu Li, Juntian Xu*. Future CO2-induced ocean acidification enhances resilience of a green tide alga to low-salinity stress. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2019, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsz135.
7. Furong Yue, Guang Gao, Jing Ma, Hailong Wu, Xinshu Li, Juntian Xu*. Future CO2-induced seawater acidification mediates the physiological performance of a green alga Ulva linza in different photoperiods. Peer J, 2019, e7048.
8. Menglin Bao, Lili Hu, Qianqian Fu, Guang Gao, Xinshu Li, Juntian Xu*. Different photosynthetic responses of Pyropia yezoensis to ultraviolet radiation under changing temperature and photosynthetic active radiation regimes. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2019, doi: 10.111/php.13108.
9. Futian Li, Jiale Fan, Lili Hu, Beardall John, Juntian Xu*. Physiological and biochemical responses of Thalassiosira weissflogii (diatom) to seawater acidification and alkalization. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2019, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsz028.
10. Jing Ma, Liming Qu, Wen Wang, Xiaoyan Liu, Sen Qiao, Hailong Wu, Guang Gao, Juntian Xu*. Differential photosynthetic response of a green tide alga Ulva linza to ultraviolet radiation, under short and long-term ocean acidification regimes. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2019, 95: 990-998.
11. Juntian Xu, Xiaohui Zhang, Qianqian Fu, Guang Gao, Kunshan Gao. Water depth-dependant photosynthetic and growth rates of Gracilaria lemaneiformis, with special reference to effects of solar UV radiation. Aquaculture, 2018, 484: 28-31.
12. Hailong Wu, Guang Gao, Zhihai Zhong, Xinshu Li, Juntian Xu*. Physiological acclimation of the green tidal alga Ulva prolifera to a fast-changing environment. Marine Environmental Research, 2018, 137: 1-7.
13. Guang Gao, John Beardall, Menglin Bao, Can Wang, Wangwang Ren, Juntian Xu*. Ocean acidification and nutrient limitation synergistically reduce growth and photosynthetic performances of a green tide alga Ulva linza. Biogeosciences, 2018, 15: 3409-3420.
14. Yuling Yang, Wei Li, Zhenzhen Li, Juntian Xu*. Combined effects of ocean acidification and nutrient levels on the photosynthetic performance of Thalassiosira (Conticribra) weissflogii (Bacillariophyta). Phycologia, 2018, 57: 121-129.
15. Liming Qu, Juntian Xu*, Jiazhen Sun, Xinshu Li, Kunshan Gao. Diurnal pH fluctuations of seawater influence the responses of an economic red macroalga Gracilaria lemaneiformis to future CO2-induced seawater acidification. Aquaculture, 2017, 473: 383-388.
16. Yaping Wu, Yanchen Zhu, Juntian Xu*. High salinity and UVR synergistically reduce the photosynthetic performance of an intertidal benthic diatom. Marine Environmental Research, 2017, 130: 258-263.
17. Guang Gao, Yameng Liu, Xinshu Li, Zhihua Feng, Zhiguang Xu, Hongyan Wu, Juntian Xu*. Expected CO2-induced ocean acidification modulates copper toxicity in the green tide alga Ulva prolifera. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2017, 135: 63-72.
18. Yaping Wu, Furong Yue, Juntian Xu*, John Beardall. Differential photosynthetic responses of marine planktonic and benthic diatoms to ultraviolet radiation under various temperature regimes. Biogeosciences, 2017, 14: 5029-5037.
19. Guang Gao, Yameng Liu, Xinshu Li, Zhihua Feng, Juntian Xu*. An ocean acidification acclimatized green tide alga is robust to changes of seawater carbon chemistry but vulnerable to light stress. PLoS ONE, 2016, 11: e**.
20. Guang Gao, Zhihai Zhong, Xianghong Zhou, Juntian Xu*. Changes in morphological plasticity of Ulva prolifera under different environmental conditions: a laboratory experiment. Harmful Algae, 2016, 59: 51-58.
21. Juntian Xu, Lennart Bach, Kai Schulz, Wenyan Zhao, Kunshan Gao, Ulf Riebesell.The role of coccoliths in protecting Emiliania huxleyi against stressful light and UV radiation. Biogeosciences, 2016, 13: 4637-4643.
22. Juntian Xu, Kunshan Gao. Photosynthetic contribution of UV-A to carbon fixation by macroalgae. Phycologia, 2016, 55: 318-322.
23. Juntian Xu, Kunshan Gao. Photosynthetic performance of the red alga Pyropia haitanensis during emersion, with special reference to effects of solar UV radiation, dehydration and elevated CO2 concentration. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2015, 91: 1376-1381.
24. Juntian Xu, Kunshan Gao, Yahe Li, David A. Hutchins. Physiological and biochemical responses of diatoms to projected ocean changes. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2014, 515: 73-81.
25. Juntian Xu, Kunshan Gao. Future CO2-Induced ocean acidification mediates the physiological performance of a green tide alga. Plant physiology, 2012, 160: 1762-1769.
26. Kunshan Gao #, Juntian Xu #, Guang Gao #, Yahe Li, David A. Hutchins, Bangqin Huang, Lei Wang, Ying Zheng, Peng Jin, Xiaoni Cai, Donat-Peter H?der, Wei Li, Kai Xu, Nana Liu, Ulf Riebesell. Rising CO2 and increased light exposure synergistically reduce marine primary productivity. Nature Climate Change, 2012, 2: 519-523(# 共同第一作者)
27. Juntian Xu, Kunshan Gao. Use of UV-A energy for photosynthesis in the red macroalga Gracilaria lemaneiformis. Photochemistry and photobiology, 2010, 86: 580-585.
28. Juntian Xu, Kunshan Gao. UV-A enhanced growth and UV-B induced positive effects in the recovery of photochemical yield in Gracilaria lemaneiformis (Rhodophyta). Journal of photochemistry and photobiology B: Biology, 2010, 100: 117-122.
29. Juntian Xu, Kunshan Gao. Growth, pigments, UV-absorbincompounds and agar yield of the economic red seaweed Gracilaria lemaneiformis (Rhodophyta) grown at different depths in the coastal water of the South China Sea. Journal of Applied Phycology, 2008, 20: 681-686.
30. 徐军田, 高坤山. CO2升高和阳光紫外辐射对坛紫菜生长和光合特性的耦合效应. 海洋学报, 2013, 35: 184-190.
31. 徐军田, 王学文, 钟志海, 姚东瑞. 两种浒苔无机碳利用对温度响应的机制. 生态学报, 2013, 33: 7892-7897.
32. 杨雨玲, 陈伟洲, 李伟, 徐军田*. 二氧化碳和阳光紫外辐射对坛紫菜丝状体光合生理特性的影响. 水产学报, 2013, 37: 1198-1205.
33. 徐军田, 高坤山. CO2和阳光紫外辐射对经济红藻龙须菜的影响. 海洋学报, 2010, 32: 144-151.
34. 徐军田, 高坤山. 阳光紫外辐射对绿藻石莼光化学效率的影响. 海洋学报, 2007, 29: 127-132.
35. 付倩倩, 李航霄, 吴海龙, 徐军田*. 光强对缘管浒苔 (Ulva linza) 光合生理特性和短期温度效应的影响. 海洋与湖沼, 2018, 49: 967-974.
3.近海海洋酸化对绿潮藻浒苔不同生长阶段的影响(BK**),江苏省自然科学基金项目, 2016.07-2019.07
4.浒苔“绿潮”形成机理及预测预警和风险防范的研究 (BK**),江苏省自然科学基金项目,2012.1-2014.12
6.环境监测与病害防控 (JFRS-04-04),江苏省紫菜产业体系岗位专家,2018年起.
2012 年: 江苏省“青蓝工程”骨干教师;
2014 年: 连云港市“521高层次人才培养工程”第二层次培养对象;
2016 年: 江苏省“333高层次人才”中青年学术技术带头人;
2017 年: 福建省自然科学一等奖(排名第2);
2018 年: 江苏省“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人;
2018 年: 江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才;
2018 年: 连云港市“十大****”。
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