

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-27

目前已主持科技部国家重大科学研究计划子课题,科技部新药创制重大研究专项子方向,国家自然科学基金委“优青”、面上基金等国家级项目10余项。近年来一直从事重大疾病相关膜蛋白跨膜信号转导过程中的关键生物物理问题,疾病的发病机制以及新型药物发现等方面的研究,取得了一系列较为重要的科研成果,已发表50余篇SCI论文,其中包括30余篇以通讯或第一作者发表在Neuron, PloS Biol, PNAS, Nat Coummun, Cell Res等本领域知名期刊。发表论文被国内外同行在Cell, Nature, Neuron, Chem Rev, PNAS, EMBO J, Angew Chemie, elife等知名杂志上正面引用,得到了广泛的关注。先后荣获中国科学院上海生命科学研究院优秀青年人才, “Sanofi-Aventis-SIBS”优秀青年人才, 上海交通大学“SMC-晨星****”A类计划, 上海交通大学“唐立新优秀****奖”, “香港求是基金会”优秀研究生奖,中国博士后科学基金一等奖、甘肃省科学技术发明奖一等奖/医学科技进步一等奖、科技进步二等奖等荣誉。兼任Science Bulletin(IF:4.1)副主编,The Journal of Biological ChemistryJournal of Medicinal Chemistry, Sci Rep等学术杂志特约审稿人。中国神经科学学会会员离子通道分会专业委员的学术委员,科技部国家重大科学研究计划项目评审专家,国家自然科学基金委项目评审专家,教育部人事司人才计划评审专家等。
1.Wang, J.#, Wang, Y.#, Cui, W.W.#, Huang, Y.#, Yang, Y., Liu, Y., Zhao, W.S., Cheng, X.Y.,Sun, W.S., Cao, P., Zhu, M.X., Wang, R.*, Hattori, M.*, Yu, Y.*(2018). Druggable negative allosteric site of P2X3 receptors. PNAS. 115(19) 4939-4944.
2.Gabriele Stephan; Lumei Huang; Yong Tang; Sandra Vilotti; Elsa Fabbretti; Yu, Y.; Wolfgang N?renberg; Heike Franke; Flóra G?r?ncsér; Beáta Sperlágh; Anke Dopychai; Ralf Hausmann; Günther Schmalzing; Patrizia Rubini; Peter Illes. (2018).The ASIC3/P2X3 cognate receptor is a pain-relevant and ligand-gated cationic channel. Nat. Commun. 9(1).
3.Yang, X.N., Niu, Y.Y., Liu,Y. Yang,Y. Wang,J., Cheng, X.Y., Liang, H., Wang, H.S., Hu,Y.M., Lu. X.Y., Zhu, M.X., Xu, T.L., Tian, Y., Yu, Y* (2017).The nonproton ligand of acid-sensing ion channel activates mollusk-specific FaNaC channels via a mechanism independent of native FMRFamide peptide.J Biol Chem. 292(52):21662-21675.
4.Wang, J., Sun, L.F., Cui, W.W., Zhao, W.S., Ma, X.F., Li, B., Liu, Y., Yang, Y., Hu, Y.M., Huang, L.D., Cheng, X.Y., Li, L., Lu, X.Y., Tian, Y.*, Yu, Y*(2017). Intersubunit physical couplings fostered by the left flipper domain facilitate channel opening of P2X4 receptors. J Biol. Chem., 292(18):7619-7635.
5.Kasuya, G., Yamaura, T., Ma, X.B., Nakamura, R., Takemoto, M., Nagumo, H., Tanaka, E., Dohmae, N., Nakane, T., Yu, Y., Ishitani, R., Matsuzaki, O., Hattori, M., Nureki1, O. (2017). Structural insights into the competitive inhibition of the ATP-gated P2X receptor channel. Nat Commun,(1):876.
6.Zhao, W.S.#, Sun, M.Y.#, Sun, L.F., Liu. Y., Yang. Y., Huang, L.D., Fan, Y.Z., Cheng. X.Y., Cao, P., H, Y.M., Li, L.Y., Tian, Y., Wang, R.*,Yu, Y.* (2016). A Highly Conserved Salt-bridge Stabilizes the Kinked Conformation of β2,3-sheet Essential for Channel Function of P2X4 Receptors. J Biol Chem.291 (15): 7990-8003
7.Niu, Y.Y.#,Yang, Y.#, Liu, Y., Huang, L.D., Yang, X.N., Fan Y.Z., Cheng, X.Y., Cao, P., Hu Y.M., Li, L.Y., Lu, X.Y., Tian, Y.*, Yu, Y.* (2016). Exploration of the Peptide-recognition of an Amiloride-sensitive FMRFamide Peptide-gated Sodium Channel. J Biol Chem.291 (14): 7571-82
8.Wang, J., Yu, Y.* (2016). Insights into channel gating of P2X receptors from structures, dynamics and small molecules. Acta Pharmacol Sin.(Invited review). 37(1):44-55.
9.Zhao, W.S., Wang, J., Ma, X.J., Yang, Y., Liu, Y., Huang, L.D., Fan, Y.Z., Cheng, X.Y., Chen, H.Z., Wang, R.*, Yu, Y.* (2014). Relative motions between left flipper and dorsal fin domains favour P2X4 receptor activation.Nat Commun,5:4189.
10.Yu, Y.#, Li, W.G.#(#equal contribution), Chen, Z., Jiang, H.L., Xu, T.L. (2011). Atomic level characterization of the nonproton ligand-sensing domain of ASIC3 channel. J Biol Chem, 286: 24996-5006.
11.Yu, Y#., Chen, Z.#, Li, W.G. (#equal contribution), Cao, H., Feng, E.G., Yu, F., Liu, H., Jiang H.L.*, & Xu, T.L.* (2010). A nonproton ligand sensor in the acid-sensing ion channel. Neuron,68(1), 61-72.
& Commented in “Small molecule ion channel match making: a natural fit for new ASIC ligands”, Bagriantsev, S.N. and Minor, D.L. Jr. Neuron,68:1-3.
12.Yang, H.#, Yu, Y.#(#equal contribution), Li, W.G., Yu, F., Cao, H., Xu, T.L.*, Jiang, H.L.* (2009). Inherent dynamics of the acid-sensing ion channel 1 correlates with the gating mechanism. PLOS Biology,7:e**.
13.Yang, H.#, Yu, Y.#(#equal contribution), Li, W.G., Xu, T.L.*, & Jiang, H.L.* (2009). Conformational sampling on acid-sensing ion channel 1 (ASIC1): implication for a symmetric conformation. Cell Research,19: 1035-1037.
14.Yu, Y.,Shao, X., Cui, Y., Liu, H.M., Wang, C.L., Fan, Y.Z., Liu, J., Dong, S.L., Cui, Y. X., Wang, R.* (2007). Structure–activity study on the spatial arrangement of the third aromatic ring of endomorphins 1 and 2 using an atypical constrained C terminus. ChemMedChem, 2: 309-317.
15.Yu, Y., Cui, Y., Wang, X., Lai, L.H., Wang, C.L., Fan, Y.Z., Liu, J., Wang, R.* (2007). In vitro characterization of the effects of endomorphin 1 and 2, endogenous ligands for mu-opioid receptors, on mouse colonic motility.Biochem Pharmacol,73:1384-93.
16.Yu, Y., Shao, X., Wang, C.L., Liu, H.M., Cui, Y., Fan, Y.Z., Liu, J., Dong, S.L., Wang, R.* (2007). In vitro and in vivo characterization of opioid activities of endomorphins analogs with novel constrained C-terminus: evidence for the important role of proper spatial disposition of the third aromatic ring. Peptides, 28: 859-870.
17.Yu, Y., Wang, C.L., Cui, Y., Fan, Y.Z., Liu, J., Shao, X., Liu, H.M., Wang, R.* (2006). C-terminal amide to alcohol conversion changes the cardiovascular effects of endomorphins in anesthetized rats. Peptides,27: 136-143.
18.Yu, Y., Cui, Y., Wang, X., Fan, Y.Z., Liu, J., Yan, X., Wang, R.* (2006). Endomorphin1 and endomorphin2, endogenous potent inhibitors of electrical field stimulation (EFS)-induced cholinergic contractions of rat isolated bronchus. Peptides,27: 1846-1851.
19.Yu, Y.,Wang, X., Cui, Y., Fan, Y.Z., Liu, J., Wang, R.* (2006). Abnormal modulation of cholinergic neurotransmission by endomorphin 1 and endomorphin 2 in isolated bronchus of type 1 diabetic rats. Peptides,27:2770-7.
20.Li, W.G.#, Yu, Y.#(#equal contribution), Zhang, Z.D., Cao, H., Xu, T.L.* (2010). ASIC3 channels integrate agmatine and multiple inflammatory signals through the nonproton ligand sensing domain. Mol Pain,6:88.
21.Hu, R., Duan, B., Wang, D., Yu, Y., Li, W., Luo, H., Lu, P., Lin, J., Zhu, G., Wan, Q., Feng, H*.(2011). Role of Acid-sensing ion channel 1ain the secondary damage of traumatic spinal cord injury. Ann Surg, 254(2): 353-62.
22.Li, W.G.#, Yu, Y.# (#equal contribution), Huang, C., Cao, H, Xu, T.L.* (2011). Nonproton ligand sensing domain is required for paradoxical stimulation of acid-sensing ion channel 3 (ASIC3) channels by amiloride. J Biol Chem, 286:42635-46.
23.Yang,Y.#, Yu, Y.#(#equal contribution), Cheng, J., Liu, Y,. Liu, D.S., Wang, J., Zhu, M.X., Wang,R., Xu, T.L.* (2012). Highly conserved salt-bridge stabilizes a rigid signal patch at the extracellular loop critical for surface expression of acid-sensing ion channel. J Biol Chem, 287:14443-55.
24.Duan, B., Wang, Y.Z., Yang, T., Chu, X.P., Yu, Y., Xu, T.L.*(2011). Extracellular Spermine Exacerbates Ischemic Neuronal Injury through Sensitization of ASIC1aChannels to Extracellular Acidosis. J Neurosci,31: 2011-12.
25.Wang, X., Li, W.G.,Yu, Y.,Xiao, X., Cheng, J., Zeng, W.Z., Peng, Z., Zhu, X.M., Xu, T.L.* (2013). Serotonin facilitates peripheral pain sensitivity in a manner that depends on the nonproton ligandsensingdomain of ASIC3channel. J Neurosci, 33:4265-79.

E-mail: yuye@@cpu.edu.cn


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