

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-27

曹征宇,男,教授,博士生导师。1999年毕业于南京大学和中国药科大学联办生物工程制药强化班,2004年毕业于中国协和医科大学,中国医学科学院药物研究所,获博士学位。2004起先后在美国University of Georgia, Creighton University, University of California, Davis 任博士后,助理教授和项目科学家。2013年底回国工作,现任中国药科大学中药学院教授。主要研究方向为神经药理和神经毒理。先后参与多项NIH资助项目,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(**)、江苏省面上项目(BK**),作为Co-Investigator承担NIH/NINDS关于抗癫痫药物研究项目(课题总资助$1,700万,1U54 NS079202),2015年获得江苏省“双创人才”,“双创团队”项目的支持。已在国际著名杂志发表50余篇研究论文。常年审理来自JPET, Toxicological Sciences, NeuroToxicology等杂志的稿件。
1.Yuwei He?, Xiaohan Zou?, Xichun Li, Juan Chen, Liang Jin, Fan Zhang*, Boyang Yu, and Zhengyu Cao*. Activation of sodium channels by α-scorpion toxin, BmK NT1, produced neurotoxicity in cerebellar granule cells - an association with intracellular Ca2+ overloading, Archives of Toxicology, 2016, In Press.
2.Fang Zhao?, Xichun Li?, Liang Jin, Fan Zhang*, Masayuki Inoue, Boyang Yu, and Zhengyu Cao*. Development of a rapid throughput assay for identification of Nav1.7 antagonist using unique efficacious sodium channel agonist, antillatoxin. Marine Drugs, 2016, 14(2)
3.Xichun Li, Rui Zhang, Bin Zhao*, Christoph Lossin, and Zhengyu Cao*. Cardiotoxicity screening: a review of rapid throughput in vitro approaches. Archive of Toxicology, 2016, 90(8),1803-1816.
4.Xiaohan Zou?, Yuwei He?, Jinping Qiao, Chunlei Zhang*, Zhengyu Cao*. The natural scorpion peptide, BmK NT1 activates voltage-gated sodium channels and produces neurotoxicity in primary cultured cerebellar granule cells. Toxicon, 2016, 109:33-41.
5.Tilyek A, Chai C, Hou X, Zhou B, Zhang C, Cao Z*, Yu B*. The protective effects of Ribes diacanthum Pall on cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in mice. J Ethnopharmacol. 2016,178:297-306.
6.Chunlei Zhang, Yanfei Liu, Yan Wang, Dong Liang, Zhibo Jiang, Li Li, Zhiyou Hao, Huan Luo, Guoru Shi, Ruoyun Chen, Zhengyu Cao* and De-Quan Yu*, Polycycloiridals A-D, Four Iridal-Type Triterpenoids with an Unprecedented a-terpineol moiety from Iris tectorum. Organic Letters, 2015, 17(22):5686?5689.
7.Zhengyu Cao*, Xichun Li, Xiaohan Zou, Michael Greenwood, William H. Gerwick, and Thomas F. Murray*. Involvement of JNK and Caspase Activation in Hoiamide A-Induced Neurotoxicity in Neocortical Neurons. Marine Drugs, 2015, 13(2):903-919.
8.Zhengyu Cao, Xiaohan Zou, Yanjun Cui, Susan Hulsizer, Pamela J. Lein, Heike Wulff, and Isaac N. Pessah*. Rapid Throughput Analysis Demonstrates that Chemicals with Distinct Seizurogenic Mechanisms Differentially Alter Ca2+ Dynamics in Networks Formed by Hippocampal Neurons in Culture. Molecular Pharmacology, 2015, 87(4): 595-605.
9.Zhengyu Cao, Yanjun Cui, Eric Busse, Suneet Mehrotra, Jon D. Rainier, and Thomas F. Murray* Gambierol inhibition of voltage-gated potassium channels augments spontaneous Ca2+ oscillations in cerebrocortical neurons. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2014, 350(3), 615-623.
10.Zhengyu Cao, Yanjun Cui, Hai M. Nguyen, David Paul Jenkins, Heike Wulff, Isaac N. Pessah*. Nanomolar Bifenthrin Alters Synchronous Ca2+ Oscillations And Cortical Neuron Development Independent of Sodium Channel Activity, Molecular Pharmacology, 2014, 85(4), 630-639.
11.Dalyir I. Pretto, Madhur Kumar, Zhengyu Cao, Chris Cunningham, Blythe Durbin, Hong Li, Robert Berman, Stephen Noctor, Randi J Hagerman, Isaac N. Pessah and Flora Tassone*. Reduced EAAT1 and mGluR5 expression in the cerebellum of carriers of FMR1 premutation alleles. Neurobiology of Aging. 2104, 35(5), 1189-1197.
12.Zhengyu Cao*, Susan Hulsizer, Yanjun Cui, Kyungho Kim, Flora Tassone, Paul J Hagerman, and Issac N Pessah. Enhanced Asynchronous Ca2+ Oscillations Associated with Impaired Glutamate Transport In Cortical Astrocytes Expressing Fmr1 Premutation Expansion. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2013, 288(19), 13831-13841 (*, corresponding author).
13.Eitan S. Kaplan?, Zhengyu Cao? (Equal contribution), Susan Hulsizer, Robert F. Berman, Paul J. Hagerman, and Isaac N. Pessah*. Early mitochondrial abnormalities in hippocampal neurons cultured from FMR1 premutation mouse model. Journal of Neurochemistry, 2012, 123(4):613-621.
14.Zhengyu Cao, Bruce D. Hammock, Mark McCoy, Pamela J. Lein, Michael A. Rogawski, and Isaac N. Pessah*. Tetramethylenedisulfotetramine Alters Ca2+ Dynamics in Cultured Hippocampal Neurons: Mitigation by NMDA Receptor Blockade and GABAA Receptor Positive Modulation. Toxicological Sciences, 2012, 130 (2):362-372.
15.Jing Liu?, Katarzyna Koscielska?, Zhengyu Cao? (Equal contribution), Susan Hulsizer, Natalie Grace, Gaela Mitchel, Catherine Nacey, Jeannine McGee, Randi J Hagerman, Jan Nolta, Isaac Pessah, Paul J Hagerman*. Signaling defects in iPSC-derived fragile X premutation neurons. Human Molecular Genetics, 2012, 21 (17), 3795-3805.
16.Zhengyu Cao, Susan Hulsizer, Flora Tassone, Hiu-tung Tang, Randi J. Hagerman, Michael A. Rogawski, Paul J. Hagerman, and Isaac N. Pessah*. Clustered Burst Firing in FMR1 Premutation Hippocampal Neurons: Amelioration with Allopregnanolone. Human Molecular Genetics, 2012, 21(13); 2923-2935.
17.Nunnery, Joshawna K.; Engene, Niclas; Byrum, Tara; Cao, Zhengyu; Jabba, Sairam V.; Pereira, Alban R.; Matainaho, Teatulohi; Murray, Thomas F.; Gerwick, William H*. Biosynthetically-intriguing chlorinated lipopeptides and a pyranone from geographically distant tropical marine cyanobacteria. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2012, 77(9):4198-4208.
18.Malloy KL, Suyama TL, Engene N, Debonsi H, Cao Z, Matainaho T, Spadafora C, Murray TF, Gerwick WH*. Credneramides A and B: Neuromodulatory Phenethylamine and Isopentylamine Derivatives of a Vinyl Chloride-Containing Fatty Acid from cf. Trichodesmium sp.nov. Journal of Natural Products, 2012, 75(1), 60-66.
19.Zhengyu Cao, Timothy J. Shafer, Chris Gennings and Thomas F. Murray*. Additivity of Pyrethroid Actions on Sodium Influx in Cortical Neurons. Environmental Health Perspective, 2011, 119(9) 1139-46. (Featured article).
20.Zhengyu Cao, Timothy J. Shafer and Thomas F. Murray*. Mechanisms of pyrethroid insecticide-induced stimulation of calcium influx into neocortical neurons in vitro. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2011, 336, 1: 197-205.
E-mail: zycao1999@hotmail.com
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