女,1971年出生,中国药科大学微生物教研室 副教授
2001.9.—2005.6. 南京医科大学基础医学院免疫学专业博士
2013.7.-2014.7. 美国圣路易斯大学医学院访问****
(1)Wang, Z., Ma, L., Su, M., Zhou, Y., Mao, K., Li, C., … Dou, J. *(2018). Baicalin induces cellular senescence in human colon cancer cells via upregulation of DEPP and the activation of Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK signaling. Cell Death & Disease, 9(2), 217. http://doi.org/10.1038/s41419-017-0223-0.
(2)Dou, J.,Wang, Z., Ma, L., Peng, B., Mao, K., Li, C., … Peng, G.* (2018). Baicalein and baicalin inhibit colon cancer using two distinct fashions of apoptosis and senescence. Oncotarget, 9(28), 20089–20102. http://doi.org/10.18632/oncotarget.24015.
(3)Su, MQ, Zhou YP., Rao X., Yang H., Zhuang XH., Ke XJ., … Dou, J.*(2018). Baicalein induces the apoptosis of HCT116human colon cancer cells via the upregulation of DEPP/Gadd45a and activation of MAPKs.International Journal of Oncology53(2):750-760. DOI: 10.3892/ijo.2018.4402.
(4)Jing Jin, Shuo Chen, Dechuan Wang, Yuanjin Chen, Yuxu Wang, Min Guo, … Jie Dou. *(2018). Oroxylin A suppresses influenza A virus replication correlating with neuraminidase inhibition and induction of IFNs. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy,97, 385-394.
(5)Wei Kang, Hanhan Liu, Lingman Ma, Mengxiao Wang, Shanshan Wei, Pengbo Sun, Meiling Jiang, Min Guo, Changlin Zhou, Jie Dou.* (2017). E?ective antimicrobial activity of a peptide mutant Cbf-14-2 against penicillin-resistant bacteria based on its unnatural amino acids. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences,105(15),169-177.
(6)Lingman Ma, Yanrong Wang, Mengxiao Wang, Yuwei Tian, Wei Kang, Hanhan Liu, Hui Wang, Jie Dou*, ChanglinZhou*. (2016). Effective antimicrobial activity of Cbf-14, derived from a cathelin-like domain, against penicillin-resistant bacteria. Biomaterials, 87, 32-45.
(7)Kai Chen, Jie Dou, Shirui Tang, Yishun Yang, Hui Wang, Hongqing Fang, Changlin Zhou. Deletion of the aroK gene is essential for high shikimic acid accumulation through the shikimate pathway in E. coli. Bioresource Technology, 2012 May 29;
(8)Lili Chen, Jie Dou, Zhenzhen Su, Huimin Zhou, Hui Wang, Weidong Zhou, Qinglong Guo,ChanglinZhou. Synergistic activity of baicalein with ribavirin against influenza A (H1N1) virus infections in cell culture and in mice.Antiviral Research,2011, 91(3): 314-320.
(9)Huimin Zhou, Jie Dou, Jing Wang, Lili Chen, Hui Wang, Weidong Zhou, Yunman Li, Changlin Zhou. The antibacterial activity of BF
(10)Jie Dou, Lili Chen, Ge Xu, Lei Zhang, Huimin Zhou, Hui Wang, Zhenzhen Su, Mengyun Ke, Qinglong Guo, Changlin Zhou. Effects of baicalein on Sendai virus in vivo are linked to serum baicalin and its inhibition of hemagglutinin-neuraminidase. Arch Virol., 2011, 156 (5):793-801.