
2014年东北师范大学古籍整理研究所复试听力考研复试试题(回忆版) 2

本站小编 免费考研网/2016-04-15

A) She expected more people at her party.
B) She enjoys entertaining small children.
C) She threw a surprise party for her friend
D) She has always enjoyed great popularity.
A) They are not used to living in a cold place.
B) They feel lucky to live in Florida.
C) They are going to have a holiday.
D) They have not booked their air tickets yet.
A) He was pleased to get the medal.  
B) He was very courageous.               
C) He used to be a firefighter.
D) He was accused of causing a fire.
A) Make a profitable investment.         
B) Buy a new washing machine       
C) Get parts for the machine from Japan.
D) Have the old washing machine fixed.
A) He is pleased with his exciting new job.
B) He finds the huge workload unbearable.
C) He finds his office much too big for him.
D) He is not so excited about his new position.
A) The woman is going to hold a big party tomorrow.
B) The man has no idea what the right thing to do is.
C) The woman doesn’t know how to get to the party.
D) The man offers to drive the woman to the party.
A) Drawing up a business plan.       
B) Discussing a term paper.
C) Finalizing a contract.
D) Reviewing a co-authored article.
A) She ordered some paper.                         
B) She had the printer repaired.
C) She chatted online with a friend
D) She filled in an application form

A)Only true friendship can last long.
B)Letter writing is going out of style.
C)She keeps in regular touch with her classmates.
D)She has lost contact with most of her old friends.
A) A painter.
B) A mechanic.
C) A porter.
D) A carpenter.
A) Look for a place near her office.
B) Find a new job down the street.
C) Make inquiries elsewhere.
D) Rent the $600 apartment.
A) He prefers to wear jeans with a larger waist.
B) He has been extremely busy recently.
C) He has gained some weight lately.
D) He enjoyed going shopping with Jane yesterday.
A)The woman possesses a natural for art.
B) Women have a better artistic taste than men.
C) He isn’t good at abstract thinking.
D) He doesn’t like abstract paintings.
A) She couldn’t have left her notebook in the library.
B) she may have put her notebook amid the journals.
C) she should have made careful notes while doing reading.
D) she shouldn’t have read his notes without his knowing it.
A)she wants to get some sleep    
B) she needs time to write a paper
C) she has a literature class to attend
D)she is troubled by her sleep problem
A)He is confident he will get the job.
B)His chance of getting the job is slim.
C)It isn’t easy to find a qualified sales manager.
D)The interview didn’t go as well as he expected.

  A) She used to be in poor health.
  B) She was popular among boys.
C) She was somewhat overweight
D) She didn't do well at high school.
  A) At he airport.
B) In a restaurant.
C) In a booking office.
D) At the hotel reception.
  A) Teaching her son by herself.
B) Having confidence in her son.
C) Asking the teacher for extra help.
D) Telling her son not to worry.
  A) Have a short break.
B) Take two weeks off.
C) Continue her work outdoors.
D) Go on vacation with the man.
 A) He is taking care of this twin brother.
 B) He ha been feeling ill all week.
 C) He is worried about Rod's health.
 D) He has been in perfect condition.
  A) She sold all her furniture before she moved house.
B) She still keeps some old furniture in her new house.
C) She plans to put all her old furniture in the basement.
D) She brought a new set of furniture from Italy last month.
  A) The woman wondered why the man didn't return the book.
B) The woman doesn't seem to know what the book is about.


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