

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-23

教授信息 任炳忠

性  别 男   出生年月 1963年3月  
职  称 教授 博士生导师   所在学院 生命科学学院  
所学专业 昆虫学、生态学、植物保护学   办公电话 5099635  
传  真   E-mail renbz279@nenu.edu.cn
  任炳忠,教授,理学博士,农学博士后。现任东北师范大学生命科学学院动物研究室教师,博士生导师;兼任吉林省动物学会副理事长,吉林省植物保护学会理事,长春市青年联合会理事,中国昆虫学会会员。主要从事动物学、昆虫学的教学和科学研究工作。主要研究方向为:昆虫分类学、昆虫生态学、资源昆虫学、农林害虫及其防治;多年来主要以直翅目昆虫作为主要的研究类群,在国内外各种期刊杂志上发表学术论文70余篇,出版学术著作7部(专著2部)。主持或参加省部级、国家级科研项目6项。发表直翅目昆虫蝗虫新属2个,新种30个;蚱类新种4个;鳞翅目蝶亚目昆虫新属1个, 新种3个。发表的论文多次被美国的 Biological AbstractsEntomology Abstracts,英国的Zoological Record及中国的中国生物学文摘中国农业文摘中国林业文摘等收录。
  Ren Bingzhong, Professor, Doctor of Science, Post-doctor of Agriculture, teaching in animal lab of School of Life Science in Northeast Normal University, tutor of post graduate, Vice-President of Jilin Animal Academy, Director of Jilin Plant Protection Academy, Director of Changchun Youth League, leaguer of China Entomology Ecademy. Mainly engaged in teaching and scientific research of Zoology, Entomology. Major subjects: insect taxonomy, insect ecology, resource entomology, the pest of forest and agriculture and the prevention. Researched the insect of Orthoptera for many years, published more than 70 academic articles in the domestic and international periodicals and 7 academic works (including 2 monographs). Presided over and participated in 6 provincial, ministry and national scientific research project. Published 2 new genera and 30 new species of grasshopper; 4 new species of Tetrigoidea, 1 new genus and 3 new species of Lepidoptera. Those articles are cited byBiological AbstractsEntomology Abstractsof America, Zoological Recordof Britain and Chinese Biological Abstract, Chinese Agricultural Abstract, Chinese Forest Abstract of China.

  1983,9 ——1987,7 东北师范大学生物系本科学习
  1987,9 ——1990,7 东北师范大学生物系研究生学习(硕士)
  1996,7 —— 1999,7 东北师范大学生命科学学院研究生学习(博士)
  Studied in Northeast Normal University from Sep. 1983 to Jul. 1987 for B. S. and obtained B. S. degree in Jul. 1987.
  Studied in Northeast Normal University from Sep. 1987 to Jul. 1990 for M.S. and obtained M. S. degree in Jul. 1990.
  Studied in Ecology--Entomology Ecology of Northeast Normal University for Ph. D. from Sep.     1996 to Jul. 1999 and obtained Ph. D. degree in Jul.1999.
  1990,7 ——1992,11 东北师范大学生物系 助教。
  1992,12 —— 1998,11 东北师范大学生命科学学院 讲师。
  1998,12 ——2002,11 东北师范大学生命科学学院 副教授。
  2002,12 ——现在,东北师范大学生命科学学院 教授。
  1999,9 ——2002,4 在职于吉林农业大学进行博士后研究。
  1990,7——1992,11 Biology Department, Northeast Normal University. Assistant.
  1992, 12——1998,11: Biology Department, Northeast Normal University. Lecturer.
  1999——2001: Post D., in Jilin Agricultural University. Postdoctor.
  1998,12——2002,11: Biology Department, Northeast Normal University. Associate Professor. Tutor of M. S.
  2002,12——present: Biology Department, Northeast Normal University. Professor. Tutor of M. S.
  1999,9——2001,4: Post D., in Jilin Agricultural University. Postdoctor.

  吉林省动物学会副理事长 Vice-President of Jilin animal academy
  吉林省植物保护学会理事director of Jilin plant protection academy
  长春市青年联合会理事director of Changchun youth league
  中国昆虫学会会员leaguer of China entomology academy

  1.无脊椎动物学 Zoology of Invertebrate
  2.应用昆虫学 Applied Entomology
  3.动物分类学 Zootaxonomy
  4.系统动物学(研究生课程) Systematic zoology (the course of Master)
  5.普通昆虫学(研究生课程) Common Entomology(the course of Master)
  6.昆虫分类学(研究生课程) Entomotaxonomy (the course of Master)
  7.昆虫生态学(研究生课程) Insect Ecology(the course of Master

  Graduate students: 13
  Grade 1998: 1; Grade 2000:2; Grade 2001:3; Grade 2002: 2; Grade 2003: 5.

mainly engaged in studying insects as resources, taxonomy, ecology, insect of farming and forestry and prevention and cure of pest etc.

  1.1990--1993 参加国家自然科学基金项目:“酯酶同工酶法对蝗虫分类的研究”(参加)
  2.1993--1995 东北师范大学校内青年基金一项(主持人)
  3.1999--2001 参加国家自然科学基金项目(第一参加人):“栗斑腹巫鸟繁殖生态的研究”(负责食性部分)。
  4.1999--2004 科技部重大项目“东北地区动植物资源标本库”(参加)
  7.2003—2005国家林业总局项目1项 (参加)

  1.1990—1993 participated in the National Natural Science Foundation of China: The study of the classification of grasshopper by esterase isozyme.
  2.1993—1995 presided the Youth Foundation of Northeast Normal University.
  3.1999—2001 participated in the National Natural Science Foundation of China: The study on reproductive ecology of Emberiza jankowskii.
  4.1999—2004 participate the project of Science and Technology Ministry: the Specimen Bank of Animal and Plant Resource in Northeast Area.
  5.2001—2003 preside the project of the Environment Protection Bureau: the Ecological Treatment of the Locust`s Breeding Area.
  6.2002—2004 preside the project of the Science and Technology Ministry of Jilin Province: the Study of the Cordycep Resource and the Domestication.
  7.2003—2005 participate in the project of the Forest Bureau of China.


Gao Yi, Wei Wenjuan, Ren Bingzhong, Famous Changbai Mountains, Biology Teaching, 2003,No.2:47~49.
Ren Bingzhong, Meng Tao, Sun Xiaoling, A new species of Tetrigoidea from Jilin (Orthoptera). Acta Zootaxonmica Sinica, 2003, 28(2):263~264
Ren Bingzhong, Wang Liming, Sun Xiaoling, A new species of Tetrigoidea from Songhua Lake (Orthoptera, Tetrigoidea). Acta Zootaxonmica Sinica, 2003, 28(3), 491~492
Ren Bingzhong, Wang Liming, Sun Xiaoling, A new species of Tetrigoidea from Chang Bai Mountain (Orthoptera). Acta Zootaxonmica Sinica, 2003, 28(4), 679~681


  5.任炳忠,李典忠,孙晓玲,李玉;吉林省农林天敌昆虫区系及多样性的研究(II),吉林农业大学学报,2002,24(1): 28~39。
Ren Bingzhong, Li Dianzhong, Sun Xiaoling, Li Yu, The study on the fauna and diversity of natural enemies of insects in Jilin province(Ⅱ). Journal of Jilin agricultural university. 2002, 24(1),28~39
  6.赵卓,任炳忠,奚耕思;四平转山湖水库地区昆虫多样性的初步研究,生态学杂志,2002,21(3): 65~68。
Zhao Zhuo, Ren Bingzhong, Xi Gengsi, A preliminary study on insect biodiversity of Zhuanshan Lake area in Siping. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2002,21(3): 65~68.
Liu Xinru, Sun Xiaoling, Ren Bingzhong, A survey of studies on natural enemy insects of soybean pests. Journal of Jilin agricultural university. 2002, 24(3), 33~36.
Sun Xiaoling, Ren Bingzhong, Hao Xilian, The study on miraculous aspect of ant. Songliao Journal, 2002, No.2:21~24.
Ren Bingzhong, Zhao Zhuo, Hao Xilian, A new species of Chrysacris Zheng from Heilongjiang provinces, China (Orthoptera:Acridoidea). Acta Entomologica Sinica, 45(suppl.)22~24.
Ren Bingzhong, Zhao Zhuo, Hao Xilian, A new species of Chorthippus Fieber from Jilin province, China (Orthoptera: Acridoidea). Acta Entomologica Sinica, 45(suppl.)20~21.
  11.王利明,孙晓玲,任炳忠;长白山地区昆虫的研究概况,动物科学,陕西师范大学出版社。2002,7:323~330。Wang Liming, Sun Xiaoling, Ren Bingzhong, The survey of the study on insects from Changbai Mountain area. Animal Science. Shanxi Normal University Press. 2002, 7, 323~330.
  12.任炳忠,孙晓玲,王海涛;吉林省沼泽蝗属蝗虫一新种(直翅目:蝗总科),东北师大学报,2002, 34(3): 70~72。
Ren Bingzhong, Sun Xiaoling, Wang Haitao, A new species of Mecostethus Fieb. from Jilin province, China. Journal of Northeast Normal University, 2002, 34(3): 70~72
Ren Bingzhong, Sun Xiaoling, Preliminary study on grasshoppers of Zhuanshan Lake area in Siping. Innovation and Development of Entomology, Chinese Scientific and Technological Press. 2002, 75~78
Wei Wenjuan, Ren Bingzhong, The biological controlling technology and the research advance of grasshopper in China. Journal of Beihua University (Natural Sciences ), 2002,3(6):481~484.
Meng Tao, Ren Bingzhong, The research advance of developing and utilization of the grasshopper resource. Journal of Beihua University (Natural Sciences ), 2002,3(6):485~490.
Zhao zhuo, Ren Bingzhong, The preliminary study on seasonal dynamic of major insect communities of Zhuan-shan Lake Region of Siping. Journal of Jilin Agricultural University. 2002, 24(7),26~28,34.


Ren Bingzhong, Zhao Zhuo, A new species of the genus Euchorthippus Tarb from Jilin prevince (Oorthoptera:Acridoidea).Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica. 2001,26(2):191~193
  18.任炳忠,李玉;东北地区危害农业、林业的鞘翅目昆虫多样性的研究(III),吉林农业大学学报,2001, 23(2):26~30。
Ren Bingzhong, Li Yu, Studies on the diversity of Coleoptera insects damaging the agriculture and forestry in the northeast area of China(III). Journal of the Jilin Agriculture University, 2001,23(2): 26~30.
Ren Bingzhong, Wang Dongchang, Li Yu, Studies on the diversity of Coleoptera insects damaging the agriculture and forestry in the northeast area of China(Ⅳ). Journal of the Jilin Agriculture University, 2001,23(3): 46~49.
Ren Bingzhong, Yang Yanlong, Li Yu, Studies on the diversity of Coleoptera insects damaging the agriculture and forestry in the northeast area of China(I). Journal of the Jilin Agriculture University, 2001,23(4):28~36
Sun Xiaoling, Ren Bingzhong, The ant recourse and progress in Northeast area. Songliao Journal, 2001, No.3: 24~27.
Zhao Zhuo,Hao Xilian, Ren Bingzhong, The preliminary of the insect fauna of the Zhuanshan Lake area in Siping(I) Songliao Journal, 2001,NO.3: 31~33.
Hao Xilian, Zhao Zhuo, Ren Bingzhong, The preliminary of the insect fauna of the Zhuanshan Lake area in Siping(II) Songliao Journal, 2001,NO.4:68~72.
Yu Xiaohu, Ren Bingzhong, Cheng Hong, The progress and the prospect of the edible and officinal ant. Journal of the Jilin Professional Normal College. 2001, No.4:24~27.


  24.任炳忠,赵卓,郝锡联;东北地区危害农业、林业的鞘翅目昆虫多样性的研究,松辽学刊,2000,1期:20~24 Bingzhong, Zhao Zhuo, Hao Xilian, Studies on the diversity fo Coleoptera insects damaging the agriculture and forest pastry in the northyeast area of China. Songliao Journal (Natural Sciences Edition), 2000, No.1: 20~24.
  25.任炳忠,赵卓,郝锡联;东北地区危害农业、林业的鞘翅目昆虫多样性的研究(II), 松辽学刊,2000,3
Ren Bingzhong, Zhao Zhuo, Hao Xilian, Studies on the diversity fo Coleoptera insects damaging the agriculture and forest pastry in the northyeast area of China. Songliao Journal (Natural Sciences Edition), 2000, No.3:13~17
Ren Bingzhong, Zhao Zhuo, The preliminary study on the spatial structure of grasshoppers in Songnen Grassland. Chinese Entomology of 21 Century. Chinese Scientific and Technological Press. 2000, 510~513.
Ren Bingzhong, Zheng Zhemin, A new species of Kangacris Yin from Heilongjiang province (Orthoptera: Acridoidea), Acta Entomologica Sinica, 2000,43(1):72~74.
  28.任炳忠,赵卓;松嫩草原蝗虫群落动态变化的初步研究, 吉林农业大学学报(农业生态论坛专集),2000年,123~128。
Ren Bingzhong, Zhao Zhuo, The preliminary study on dynamics of grasshoppers community in Songnen Grassland. Journal of Jilin Agricultural University. 2000,123~128.
Ren Bingzhong, Zhao Zhuo, The preliminary study on community structure of grasshoppers in Songnen Grassland. Journal of Jilin Agricultural University, 2000, 119~122
Guo Jixun, Jiang Shicheng, Ren Bingzhong,  A study on the decomposition of Aneurolepidium Chinese standing dead litter in Songnen grassland, Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2000,20(5):784~787.


  31.任炳忠,包振民;浅谈高师生物专业开展课外活动的意义,教学研究,1999年, 第一期:99~111。
Ren Bingzhong, Bao Zhenmin, Discussion of the significance of the activity after school for biology specialty in college. Research in teaching. 1999, No.1:99~111

  32.万冬梅,任炳忠,张凤岭;吉林省鸣蝗属一新种(直翅目:蝗总科),动物分类学报,1998,23(1):33~36。Wan Dongmei, Ren Bingzhong, Zhang Fengling, A new species of the Genus Mongolotettix from Jilin province (Orthoptera: Acridoidea), Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica. 1998,23(1):33~36.
Ben Bingzhong, Wang Rixin, Zhang Fengling, A new species of Chorthippus Fieber from DaXingAnLing (Orthoptera: Acridoidea), Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica. 1998,23(2):185~187.
Ren Bingzhong, Zhang Fengling, A new genus and a new species of grasshopper from Liaoning province (Orthoptera: Acridoidea). Journal of Northeast Normal University. 1997, No.2:64~66
Xiao Jiyou, CaiFuming, Ren Bingzhong, Hu Jingyan, The progress of study in grasshopper from northeast area. Journal of Northeast Normal University. 1997(supl.), 93~97.
Qin Caiping, Ren Bingzhong, Cheng Hong, Hu Jingyan, New food resources for nutrition and health ------the insect food. Journal of Northeast Normal University. 1997(supl.), 118~123
Cheng Hong, Qin Caiping, Ren Bingzhong, Xiao Jiyou,Comments on the “green food”. Journal of Northeast Normal University. 1997(supl.), 124~128.
Wan Dongmei, Zhang Fengling, Ren Bingzhong, A Preliminary Study on Locus Fauna in the Protected National Region of Xianghai. Journal of Liaoning University (Natural Sciences Edition),1997, 24(2):85~90.
Zheng Zhemin, Ren Bingzhong, A New Species of Clinotettix B.-Bienko from Jilin Province (Tetrigoidea:Tetrigidae). Journal of Northeast Normal University (Natural Sciences Edition), 1996, No.1: 81~82
Ren Bingzhong, Zhang Fengling, A new species of the genus Primnoa F.-W. (Orthoptera: Acridoidea). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica. 1996,21(3):335~337.
Zheng Yiping, Ren Bingzhong, Zhang Fengling, A new species of Chrysacris from Inner Mongolia, China (Orthoptera: Acridoidea). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica. 1996,21(4):458~461.
  42.任炳忠,张凤岭,曹月坤;辽宁省蝗虫一新种(直翅目:蝗总科),动物分类学报,1995,20(3):348~350。Ren Bingzhong, Zhang Fengling, Cao Yuequn. A new species of grasshopper from Liaoning province (Orthoptera: Catantopidae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica. 1995,20(3):348~350.
  43.张凤岭,郑一平,任炳忠;辽宁省蝗虫一新属一新种(直翅目:蝗总科),昆虫学报,1995, 38(2):204~206。
Zhang Fengling, Zheng Yiping, Ren Bingzhong, A new genus and a new species of grasshoppers from Liaoning province (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Acta Entomologica Sinica. 1995, 38(2):204~206.
  44.郑一平,张凤岭,任炳忠;黑龙江蝗虫一新种(直翅目:蝗总科),动物分类学报,1995,20(3):351~353。Zheng Yiping, Zhang Fengling, Ren Bingzhong, A new species of grasshopper from Heilongjiang, China (Orthoptera: Acridoidea). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica. 1995,20(3):351~353.
Ren Bingzhong, Gao Yi, Preliminary study of the grasshopper fauna in Jinpo Lake area. Journal of Northeast Normal University. 1995, 172~176.
Ren Bingzhong, Hao Xilian, The first report of the insect specimens (Butterfly) in the School Life Science of Northeast Normal University. Songliao Journal. 1994,3:55~58.
  47.任炳忠,张凤岭,郑一平;黑龙江省跃度蝗属三新种(直翅目:蝗总科),昆虫学报, 1994,37(2):199~204。
Ren Bingzhong, Zhang Fengling, Zheng Yiping, Three new species of the genus Podismopsis Zub. from Heilongjian province, China (Orthoptera: Acridoidea). Acta Entomologica Sinica. 1994,37(2):199~204.
Zhang Fengling, Zheng Yiping, Ren Bingzhong, A new species of grasshoppers from Heilongjiang province (Orthoptera: Acridoidea). Acta Entomologica Sinica. 1994,37(2):338~340
Ren Bingzhong, Zhang Fengling, Zheng Yiping, A new species of the genus Chrysacris Zheng (Orthoptera: Acridoidea). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica. 1994,19(2):184~186.
  50.任炳忠,张凤岭;大兴安岭迷蝗属一新种(直翅目:蝗总科),东北林大学报(英 文版),1994,5(3): 49~51。
Ren Bingzhong, Zhang Fengling, A new species of the genus Confusacris Yin from Daxinganling (Orthoptera:Acridoidea). Journal of Northeast Forest University. 1994, 5(3):49~51
Zhang Fengling, Zheng Yiping, Ren Bingzhong, A new species of the genus Euthystira from China (Orthoptera: Acridoidea). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica. 1994,19(4):455~458.
Ren Bingzhong and Zhang Fengling; A new species of genus Confusacris from Daxing,anling area (Orthoptera: Acridoidea), J. Northeast For. Univ., 1994, Vol.5, No.3: 49~51.
Ren Bingzhong, Liu Chunming, Hao Xilian, The investigation and study of insects resource from Zuojia protected region. Songliao Journal (Natural Science Edition). 1993,4:53~56.
Zhang Fengling, Zheng Yiping, Ren Bingzhong, A new species of the genus Chorthippus Fieber (Orthoptera: Acridoidea). Entomotaxonomia. 1993,15(1):9~11
Ren Bingzhong, Zhang Fengling, Zheng Yiping, A new species of the genus Chrysacris Zheng from China (Orthoptera: Acridoidea). Acta Entomologica Sinica, 1993,36(4):475~477.
Zhang Fengling, Ren Bingzhong, A new species of Acrididae from China. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 1993, 18(1):76~77.
Ren Bingzhong, Zheng Fengling, The discovery of male Podismopsis maximpennis Zhang et Ren. Journal of Northeast Normal University, 1993 No.3:105~107
Ren Bingzhong, Yang Fengqing, The character of distribution in regional of grasshopper from Jilin province. Journal of Northeast Normal University, 1993, No.4:54~58.
  58.任炳忠,姜兆文,高毅;辽宁省蝗虫的地理分布及区系特点,国土与自然资源研究,1993 (3):60~63。
Ren Bingzhong, Jiang Zhaowen, Gao Yi, The geographical distribution and the faunal character of grasshoppers in Liaoning province. Territorial and Natural Resource Study. 1993 (3):60~63
Zhang Fengling, Ren Bingzhong, A new species of the genus Euchorthippus Tarb. (Orhtoptera:Acridoidea) from China. Entomotaxonomia. 1992,14(2):87~89.
Zhang Fengling, Ren Bingzhong, A new species of the genus Podismopsis Zub. (Orhtoptera:Arcypteridae) from Jilin province. Entomotaxonomia. 1992,14(2):87~89.
Zhang Fengling, Ren Bingzhong, A new species of the genus Euchorthippus Tarb. (Orhtoptera:Acridoidea) from Jilin province. Acta Entomologica Sinica. 1992,35(2):456~458.
Ren Bingzhong, Zhang Fengling, Zheng Yiping, The study of grasshoppers in Heilongjiang province. Territorial and Natural Resouce Study.1992,No.2:62~65.
Zheng Yiping, Zhang Fengling, Ren Bingzhong, Ecological geographical division in Wudalianchi volcano area. Journal of Northeast Normal University, 1992, No.3:76~81.
Ren Bingzhong, Zhang Fengling, Zheng Yiping, Two new species of grasshoppers from Heilongjian province (Orthoptera: Acridoidea). Journal of Northeast Normal University, 1991,No.1:103~106.
Li Jingke, Pu Zhaoyi, Ren Bingzhong, The first report of the insect specimens (Beetle) in Northeast Normal University. Insect and Nature. 1991,26(14):9~12.


  1.Biological species and distribution in Jilin province, China.Northeast Normal University Press.1997
  2.Chinese Rare Animals,Jilin University Press, 1996
  3.Monographia of Original Colored & Size Butterflies of China′s Northeast,Jilin Scientific and Technological Publishing House.1999
  4.Grasshoppers and Locusts from Northeast, China. Jilin Scientific and Technological Publishing House.2001
  5.Biology and Ecology of Grasshoppers from Songnen Grassland. Jilin Scientific and Technological Publishing House.2002.
  6.The Animals on the Changbaishan Massif of China,Yanbian People′s Press, Beijing Scientific and Technological Press.2002
  7.Animal World.Inner Mongolia Children Press.1999

  1995年获东北师范大学优秀教学奖(1995, wined the Excellent Teaching Award.)
  1999年获东北师范大学华为奖教金奖(1999, wined the Huawei Scholarship.)
