职 称:教授
东北师范大学,地理科学学院,教授。地理信息科学系主任。个人主页:http://js.nenu.edu.cn/teacher/index.php?zgh=教育经历:2004-2007 PhD 日本东京大学生物环境工学2003-2004 Research Student 日本东京大学 生物环境工学 1999-2002 MSc 东北师范大学自然地理1995-1999 BA 东北师范大学地理教育工作经历:2016至今 东北师范大学 地理科学学院 教授2008-2016 东北师范大学 地理科学学院 副教授2007-2008 博士后日本农业环境技术研究所联系方式:E-mail:lus123@nenu.edu.cnTel: (Office)地址:长春市人民大街5268号 东北师范大学 地理科学学院 地理信息科学系5268 Renmin Street, Department of Geographic Information Science, School of Geographical Sciences, Northeast Normal University.研究经历与主要研究方向:多年来从事高光谱遥感影像分类、植被参量遥感反演和估算的相关研究。目前任地理科学学院地理信息科学系主任。主要的研究兴趣是植被反射光谱特性、植被生化物质含量的遥感估算、植被指数的开发等。已发表论文:(1) Shan Lu, F. Lu, W. You, Z. Wang, Y. Liu, K. Omasa*. A robust vegetation index for remotely assessing chlorophyll content of dorsiventral leaves across several species in different seasons. Plant Methods. 2018 (14) 1-15(2) X. Gao, Shan Lu*. The relationship of the leaf surface wettability and degree of reflectance polarization. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2018 (38) 923-928.(3)W. You, Z. Wang, F. Lu, Y. Zhao, Shan Lu*, Spectral indices to assess Carotenoid/Chlorophyll ratio from adaxial and abaxial leaf reflectance. Spectroscopy Letters. 2017 (50) 387-393(4)Y. Liu, Y. Zhao, H. Liu, Shan Lu*. Analysis on impact factors of thermal polarized radiation characteristics of the soil. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2016 (6) 1813-1817.(5) Shan Lu, X. Lu, W. Zhao, Y. Liu,Z. Wang,K. Omasa*. Comparing vegetation indices for remote chlorophyll measurement of white poplar and Chinese elm leaves with different adaxial and abaxial surfaces. Journal of Experimental Botany 2015 (66), 5625–5637(6) X. Lu, Shan Lu* Effects of adaxial and abaxial surface on the estimation of leaf chlorophyll content using hyperspectral vegetation indices. International Journal of Remote sensing 2015 (36), 1447-1469 (7) Shan Lu, S. Inoue*, H. Shibaike, S. Kawashima, S. Yonemura, M. Du. Detection potential of maize pollen release stage by using vegetation indices and red edge obtained from canopy reflectance in visible and NIR region. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology 2015 (71), 153-160 (8) Z. Sun, Y. Lv, Shan Lu*. An assessment of the bidirectional reflectance models basing on laboratory experiment of natural particulate surfaces. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 2015 (136), 102-119(9)T. Yang,W. Zhao,Z. Wang,X, Lu,Shan Lu* Changes of Cropping System in China Based on Remotely Sensed NDVI data. Scientia Agricultural Sinica2015,(48),1915-1925(10) H. Ge,Shan Lu* Y. Zhao. Effects of leaf hair on leaf reflectance and hyperspectral vegetation indices. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2012 (32) 439-444. (11) Shan Lu, Y. Shimizu, J. Ishii, I. Washitani, K. Omasa* Identification of invasive vegetation using hyperspectral imagery in the shore of the Kinu River, Japan.Journal of Agricultural Meteorology. 2011 (67) 85-88(12) Shan Lu, Y. Shimizu, J. Ishii, S. Funakoshi, I. Washitani, K. Omasa*. Estimation of abundance and distribution of moist tall grasses from hyperspectral imagery in Watarase wetland, Japan.ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 2009(64)674-682 (13) J. Ishii*, Shan Lu, Y. Shimizu, S. Funakoshi, I. Washitani, K. Omasa. Mapping potential habitats of threatened plant species in a moist tall grassland using hyperspectral imagery.Biodiversity and conservation. 2009(18)2521-2535.(14) Shan Lu, K. Oki, Y. Shimizu and K. Omasa*. Comparison between several feature extraction/classification methods for mapping complicated agricultural land use patches using airborne hyperspectral data.International Journal of Remote sensing. 2007(28): 963-984(15)Shan Lu, S. Funakoshi, Y. Shimizu, J. Ishii, A.M. de Asis, M. Ajima, I. Washitani and K. Omasa*. Estimation of plant abundance and distribution of Miscanthus sacchariflorus and Phragmites australis using matched filtering of hyperspectral image. Eco-Engineering. 2006 (18):65-70.(16) K. Oki*, Shan Lu, T. Saruwatari, T. Suhama and K. Omasa. Evaluation of supervised classification algorithms for identifying crops using airborne-hyperspectral data. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2006 (10):1993-2002. 承担的科研项目:1.?吉林省科技厅,JC,异面叶植物水分状况的高光谱遥感估算,?2018/01-2020/12,12.0万元,在研,主持。2.?吉林省教育厅,【2014】B038,?叶片茸毛对利用高光谱指数进行生化物质含量反演的影响,2014/01-2016/12,5.0万元,已结题,主持。3.?国家自然科学基金国际合作项目,,基于和谐东亚的地理学合作与发展国际学术研讨会,2012/06-2012/12,4.0万元,已结题,主持。4.?国家自然科学基金青年项目,**,高光谱遥感反演植物生化物质含量的叶片结构依存性研究,2011/01-2013/12,18.0万元,已结题,主持。5.?教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,遥感技术用于积雪监测,2010/09?-?2013/08,4.0万元,已结题,主持。
获奖情况 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处)
教学信息 (数据来源:教务处)
(1)X. Gao, Shan Lu*. 植物叶片润湿性与光谱反射偏振度关系研究,SPECTROSC SPECT ANAL,2018, 38(3),923-928(1) Shan Lu, F. Lu, W. You, Z. Wang, Y. Liu, K. Omasa*. A robust vegetation index for remotely assessing chlorophyll content of dorsiventral leaves across several species in different seasons. Plant Methods2018, 14(15), 1-15(2) W. You, Z. Wang, F. Lu, Y. Zhao, Shan Lu*, Spectral Indices to Assess Carotenoid/Chlorophyll Ratio From Adaxial and Abaxial Leaf Reflectance. Spectroscopy Letters. 2017 (50) 387-393(3)Y. Liu, Y. Zhao, H. Liu, Shan Lu*. Analysis on impact factors of thermal polarized radiation characteristics of the soil. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2016 (6) 1813-1817.(4) Shan Lu, X. Lu, W. Zhao, Y. Liu,Z. Wang,K. Omasa*. Comparing vegetation indices for remote chlorophyll measurement of white poplar and Chinese elm leaves with different adaxial and abaxial surfaces. Journal of Experimental Botany 2015 (66), 5625–5637(5) X. Lu, Shan Lu* Effects of adaxial and abaxial surface on the estimation of leaf chlorophyll content using hyperspectral vegetation indices. International Journal of Remote sensing 2015 (36), 1447-1469 (6) Shan Lu, S. Inoue*, H. Shibaike, S. Kawashima, S. Yonemura, M. Du. Detection potential of maize pollen release stage by using vegetation indices and red edge obtained from canopy reflectance in visible and NIR region. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology 2015 (71), 153-160 (7) Z. Sun, Y. Lv, Shan Lu*. An assessment of the bidirectional reflectance models basing on laboratory experiment of natural particulate surfaces. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 2015 (136), 102-119(8)T. Yang,W. Zhao,Z. Wang,X, Lu,Shan Lu* Changes of Cropping System in China Based on Remotely Sensed NDVI data. Scientia Agricultura Sinica2015,(48),1915-1925(9) H. Ge,Shan Lu* Y. Zhao. Effects of leaf hair on leaf reflectance and hyperspectral vegetation indices. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2012 (32) 439-444. (10) Shan Lu, Y. Shimizu, J. Ishii, I. Washitani, K. Omasa* Identification of invasive vegetation using hyperspectral imagery in the shore of the Kinu River, Japan.Journal of Agricultural Meteorology. 2011 (67) 85-88(11) Shan Lu, Y. Shimizu, J. Ishii, S. Funakoshi, I. Washitani, K. Omasa*. Estimation of abundance and distribution of moist tall grasses from hyperspectral imagery in Watarase wetland, Japan.ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 2009(64)674-682 (12) J. Ishii*, Shan Lu, Y. Shimizu, S. Funakoshi, I. Washitani, K. Omasa. Mapping potential habitats of threatened plant species in a moist tall grassland using hyperspectral imagery.Biodiversity and conservation. 2009(18)2521-2535.(13) Shan Lu, K. Oki, Y. Shimizu and K. Omasa*. Comparison between several feature extraction/classification methods for mapping complicated agricultural land use patches using airborne hyperspectral data.International Journal of Remote sensing. 2007(28): 963-984(14)Shan Lu, S. Funakoshi, Y. Shimizu, J. Ishii, A.M. de Asis, M. Ajima, I. Washitani and K. Omasa*. Estimation of plant abundance and distribution of Miscanthus sacchariflorus and Phragmites australis using matched filtering of hyperspectral image. Eco-Engineering. 2006 (18):65-70.(15) K. Oki*, Shan Lu, T. Saruwatari, T. Suhama and K. Omasa. Evaluation of supervised classification algorithms for identifying crops using airborne-hyperspectral data. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2006 (10):1993-2002.
本站小编 Free考研网/2020-03-12
相关话题/地理科学 东北师范大学
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宋玉祥 东北师范大学地理科学学院 职 称:教授 研究方向:办公电话:办公地点:电子邮件:songyx803@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历1955年出生,教授,博士生导师。黑龙江省讷河县人,1988年7月长春地理研究所硕士毕业,留所工作。先后任中国科学院长春地理所经济地理研究室副主任、科研处副处长、科研处长、所长助理,副所长等职。2003年调入东北师大城市与环境科学学院。现任东北师范大学中国 ...东北师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-12东北师范大学地理科学学院导师教师简介-王升忠
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吴正方 东北师范大学地理科学学院 职 称:教授 研究方向:办公电话:办公地点:电子邮件:wuzf@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历近年来主要从事区域气候变化及其影响、遥感物候和区域生态环境评价等方面的研究工作,研究集中在以下方面:1)东北地区植被-气候关系及全球气候变化响应研究;2)东北东部森林遥感物候变化研究;3)长白山林线、苔原带植被与气候变化关系研究;4)东北区域气候变化和气候极端事件研 ...东北师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-12