职 称:副教授
王莹琳,女,理学博士,材料物理与化学专业硕士生导师,主要从事新型太阳能电池方面的研究。在高性能染料敏化太阳能电池,量子点太阳能电池和钙钛矿太阳能电池的材料制备、界面修饰和载流子相关过程调控等方面开展了一系列有特色的研究工作。累积发表SCI论文30余篇。教育经历1. 2002年09月至2006年06月,就读于吉林大学化学学院高分子材料与工程专业, 获工学学士学位2. 2006年09月至2011年06月,就读于吉林大学化学学院高分子化学与物理专业, 获理学博士学位工作经历1. 2011年12月至2014年06月,中国科学院长春应用化学研究所,博士后2. 2014年06月至2017年06月,讲师,东北师范大学物理学院3. 2017年06至今,副教授,东北师范大学物理学院承担项目:1. 结构规整的ZnO纳米线阵列可控制备及其在柔性量子点太阳能电池中的应用研究,吉林省科技厅青年科研基金,2018年2. 离子液体辅助制备高质量钙钛矿薄膜及其光伏性能研究,国家自然科学基金委员会,2017年3. 染料敏化太阳电池中的界面微结构与动力学,校内青年基金,2015年代表论文:(1) Ultrasonic spray pyrolysis-assisted preparation of CoS for stable, uniform and efficient counter electrode in dye-sensitized solar cells, Sol. Energy, 2019, 189,389.(2) Defect Passivation of Low-Temperature Processed ZnO Electron Transport Layer with Polyethylenimine for PbS Quantum Dot Photovoltaics, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2019,2, 1695.(3) A stoichiometric CdS interlayer for the photovoltaic performance enhancement of quantum-dot sensitized solar cells,Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys.,2019, 21, 3970.(4) Ionic Liquid-Assisted Improvements in the Thermal Stability of CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Photovoltaics,Phys. Status Solidi RRL 2018, 12, **.(5) Element substitution of kesterite Cu2ZnSnS4 for efficient counter electrode of dye-sensitized solar cells, Sci. Rep. 2018, 8, 8714.(6) Global Control of CH3NH3PbI3 Formation with Multifunctional Ionic Liquid for Perovskite Hybrid Photovoltaics, J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122, 10699.(7) Performance enhancement of ZnO nanowires/PbS quantum dot depleted bulk heterojunctionsolar cells with an ultrathin Al2O3 interlayer, Chin. Phys. B 2018, 27, 018503.(8) Bending-durable colloidal quantum dot solar cell using a ZnO nanowire array as athree-dimensional electron transport layer,Appl. Phys. Lett. 2017, 110, 163902.(10) Interspace modification of titania-nanorod arrays for efficient mesoscopic perovskite solar cells, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2017, 402: 86-91.(11) Adsorption Energy Optimization of Co3O4 through Rapid Surface Sulfurization for Efficient Counter Electrode in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, J. Phys. Chem. C 2017, 121: 12524?12530(12) Fabrication of efficient PbS colloidal quantum dot solar cell with low temperature sputter-deposited ZnO electron transport layer, Sol. Energy Mater. Solar Cells, 2017, 169: 264-269.(13) Increased open-circuit voltage of ZnO nanowire/PbS quantum dot bulk heterojunction solar cells with solution-deposited Mg(OH)2 interlayer, Phys. Status Solidi RRL, 2016, 10: 745-748.(14) TiO2 Nanoparticle-Based Electron Transport Layer With Improved Wettability for Efficient Planar-Heterojunction Perovskite Solar Cell, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2015, 24 (6): 717-721.(15) Bending-durable colloidal quantum dot solar cell using a ZnO nanowire array as a three-dimensional electron transport layer , Appl. Phys. Lett., 2017, 110(163902): 1-5.(16) Influence of a Solution-Deposited Rutile Layer on the Morphology of TiO2 Nanorod Arrays and the Performance of Nanorod-Based Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 10450-10455.(17) Altering the Self-Organization of Dyes on Titania with Dyeing Solvents to Tune the Charge-Transfer Dynamics of Sensitized Solar Cells, ChemPhysChem, 2014, 15 (6): 1037-1042.(18) Correlating Multichannel Charge Transfer Dynamics with Tilt Angles of Organic Donor–Acceptor Dyes Anchored on Titania, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2014, 118 (30): 16441-16446.(19) Engineering of Push-Pull Thiophene Dyes to Enhance Light Absorption and Modulate Charge Recombination in Mesoscopic Solar Cells, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2013, 23 (14): 1846-1854.(20) Synthesis and Vesicular Self-Assembly of a Novel Asymmetric Cationic and Ethoxylated Amphiphile, Colloid Polym. Sci., 2013, 292 (1): 243-250.(21) Self-Assembly and Alterable Relaxivity of an Organic Cation-Encapsulated Gadolinium-Containing Polyoxometalate, Dalton Trans., 2012, 41 (33): 10052-10059.(22) Mn12 Single-Molecule Magnet Aggregates as Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agents, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47 (12): 3541-3543.(23) Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Supramolecular Gels of Surfactant-Encapsulated Polyoxometalates, Langmuir, 2009, 25 (22): 13194-13200.
获奖情况 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处)
项目:1. 结构规整的ZnO纳米线阵列可控制备及其在柔性量子点太阳能电池中的应用研究,吉林省科技厅青年科研基金,2018年2. 离子液体辅助制备高质量钙钛矿薄膜及其光伏性能研究,国家自然科学基金委员会,2017年3. 染料敏化太阳电池中的界面微结构与动力学,校内青年基金,2015年论文:(1) Ultrasonic spray pyrolysis-assisted preparation of CoS for stable, uniform and efficient counter electrode in dye-sensitized solar cells, Sol. Energy, 2019, 189,389.(2) Defect Passivation of Low-Temperature Processed ZnO Electron Transport Layer with Polyethylenimine for PbS Quantum Dot Photovoltaics, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2019,2, 1695.(3) A stoichiometric CdS interlayer for the photovoltaic performance enhancement of quantum-dot sensitized solar cells,Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys.,2019, 21, 3970.(4) Ionic Liquid-Assisted Improvements in the Thermal Stability of CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Photovoltaics,Phys. Status Solidi RRL 2018, 12, **.(5) Element substitution of kesterite Cu2ZnSnS4 for efficient counter electrode of dye-sensitized solar cells, Sci. Rep. 2018, 8, 8714.(6) Global Control of CH3NH3PbI3 Formation with Multifunctional Ionic Liquid for Perovskite Hybrid Photovoltaics, J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122, 10699.(7) Performance enhancement of ZnO nanowires/PbS quantum dot depleted bulk heterojunctionsolar cells with an ultrathin Al2O3 interlayer, Chin. Phys. B 2018, 27, 018503.(8) Bending-durable colloidal quantum dot solar cell using a ZnO nanowire array as athree-dimensional electron transport layer,Appl. Phys. Lett. 2017, 110, 163902.(10) Interspace modification of titania-nanorod arrays for efficient mesoscopic perovskite solar cells, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2017, 402: 86-91.(11) Adsorption Energy Optimization of Co3O4 through Rapid Surface Sulfurization for Efficient Counter Electrode in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, J. Phys. Chem. C 2017, 121: 12524?12530(12) Fabrication of efficient PbS colloidal quantum dot solar cell with low temperature sputter-deposited ZnO electron transport layer, Sol. Energy Mater. Solar Cells, 2017, 169: 264-269.(13) Increased open-circuit voltage of ZnO nanowire/PbS quantum dot bulk heterojunction solar cells with solution-deposited Mg(OH)2 interlayer, Phys. Status Solidi RRL, 2016, 10: 745-748.(14) TiO2 Nanoparticle-Based Electron Transport Layer With Improved Wettability for Efficient Planar-Heterojunction Perovskite Solar Cell, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2015, 24 (6): 717-721.(15) Bending-durable colloidal quantum dot solar cell using a ZnO nanowire array as a three-dimensional electron transport layer , Appl. Phys. Lett., 2017, 110(163902): 1-5.(16) Influence of a Solution-Deposited Rutile Layer on the Morphology of TiO2 Nanorod Arrays and the Performance of Nanorod-Based Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 10450-10455.(17) Altering the Self-Organization of Dyes on Titania with Dyeing Solvents to Tune the Charge-Transfer Dynamics of Sensitized Solar Cells, ChemPhysChem, 2014, 15 (6): 1037-1042.(18) Correlating Multichannel Charge Transfer Dynamics with Tilt Angles of Organic Donor–Acceptor Dyes Anchored on Titania, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2014, 118 (30): 16441-16446.(19) Engineering of Push-Pull Thiophene Dyes to Enhance Light Absorption and Modulate Charge Recombination in Mesoscopic Solar Cells, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2013, 23 (14): 1846-1854.(20) Synthesis and Vesicular Self-Assembly of a Novel Asymmetric Cationic and Ethoxylated Amphiphile, Colloid Polym. Sci., 2013, 292 (1): 243-250.(21) Self-Assembly and Alterable Relaxivity of an Organic Cation-Encapsulated Gadolinium-Containing Polyoxometalate, Dalton Trans., 2012, 41 (33): 10052-10059.(22) Mn12 Single-Molecule Magnet Aggregates as Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agents, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47 (12): 3541-3543.(23) Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Supramolecular Gels of Surfactant-Encapsulated Polyoxometalates, Langmuir, 2009, 25 (22): 13194-13200.
本站小编 Free考研网/2020-03-12
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