
Natural restoration alters soil microbial community structure, but has contrasting effects on the di

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Natural restoration alters soil microbial community structure, but has contrasting effects on the diversity of bacterial and fungal assemblages in salinized grasslands
第一作者: Wang, Weina
英文第一作者: Wang, Weina
联系作者: Hu, Liang-Jun
英文联系作者: Hu, Liang-Jun
发表年度: 2023
卷: 891
摘要: Natural restoration has often been considered an effective measure for rehabilitating degraded ecosystems. However, its impact on the structure and diversity of soil microbial communities, particularly within a salinized grassland during its restoration succession, remains unclear. In this study, we examined the effects of natural restoration on the Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Operational Taxonomic Units (OTU) richness, and structure of the soil microbial community of a sodic-saline grassland in China using high-throughput amplicon sequencing data from representative successional chronosequences. Our results indicated that natural restoration resulted in a significant mitigation of the grassland salinization (pH from 9.31 to 8.32 and electrical conductivity from 393.33 to 136.67 & mu;s & BULL;cm-1) and a signif-icant alteration of the soil microbial community structure of the grassland (p < 0.01). However, the effects of natural recovery differed in terms of the abundance and diversity of bacteria and fungi. For example, the relative abundance of the bacterial phyla Acidobacteria increased by 116.45 % in the topsoil and 339.03 % in the subsoil, while that of the fungal phyla Ascomycota decreased by 8.86 % in the topsoil and 30.18 % in the subsoil. There was no significant effect of restoration on bacterial diversity, but fungal diversity increased by 15.02 % in the Shannon-Wiener index and 62.20 % in the OTU richness in the topsoil. Model-selection analysis further corroborated that the alteration of the soil microbial structure by natural restoration may be due to the fact that the bacteria could adapt to the alleviated salinized grassland soil and the fungi could adapt to the improved soil fertility of the grasslands. Overall, our results contribute to an in-depth understanding of the impacts of natural restoration on soil microbial diversity and commu-nity structure in salinized grasslands during the long-term successional course. This may also help to apply natural res-toration as a greener practice option for managing degraded ecosystems.
参与作者: Wang, WN (Wang, Weina) [1] , [4] ; Liu, HJ (Liu, Huanjun) [2] ; Chen, LF (Chen, Lifei) [3] ; Koorem, K (Koorem, Kadri) [4] ; Hu, YC (Hu, Yingchao) [1] ; Hu, LJ (Hu, Liang-Jun) [1]


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