
N-induced soil acidification triggers metal stimulation of soil methane oxidation in a temperate ste

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

N-induced soil acidification triggers metal stimulation of soil methane oxidation in a temperate steppe ecosystem
第一作者: Zhang, Lihua
英文第一作者: Zhang, Lihua
联系作者: Zhang, Lihua; Song, Changchun
英文联系作者: Zhang, Lihua; Song, Changchun
发表年度: 2023
卷: 184
摘要: Methane (CH4) is a potent greenhouse gas, and it is well established that low nitrogen (N) stimulates- and high N suppresses CH4 oxidation in grassland ecosystems. In this study, we examined the response of CH4 uptake to long-term (>10 years) multi-level N additions in a temperate steppe of northern China. The N impacts on CH4 uptake transitioned from positive to negative at the N addition rate of 4 g N m- 2 y-1. However, the high-N suppression on CH4 uptake was partially relieved when the continuous (>10 years) high N inputs (16 g N m- 2 y-1 to 64 g N m- 2 y-1) caused soil pH drop to < 5.7. Further experiments revealed that continuous high-N inputs acidified soil to pH < 5.7 that released metal ions to stimulate monooxygenase enzyme activity; therefore, the CH4 oxidation suppression was partially relieved under continuous N loading. Structural equation model results confirmed that metal ions, such as Iron (Fe3+), Manganese (Mn4+), and Copper (Cu) desorbed by soil particles, were negatively correlated with soil pH while positively correlated with CH4 oxidation under high N inputs. These analyses suggested that continuous high N inputs-induced soil acidification can release previously bounded metal elements that partially alleviated the N suppression on CH4 uptake. The N-induced soil acidification impacts on CH4 uptake might play a critical role in global CH4 cycling and deserve further investigation as external N inputs continue climbing.
参与作者: Zhang,LH(Zhang,Lihua)[1],[2],[3];Janssens,IA(Janssens,IvanA.)[4];Zhu,XH[2],[5];Lipson,D[5];Zona,D[5];Yuan,FH[2],[6];Wang,NN[2];Song,YY[2];Song,CC[2];Son,Y[7];Oechel,W[5];Xu,XF[5]


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