
Molecular breeding for improvement of photothermal adaptability in soybean

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Molecular breeding for improvement of photothermal adaptability in soybean
第一作者: Wu, Tingting
英文第一作者: Wu, Tingting
联系作者: Hou, Wensheng; Han, Tianfu; Kong, Fanjiang
英文联系作者: Hou, Wensheng; Han, Tianfu; Kong, Fanjiang
发表年度: 2023
卷: 43
摘要: Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) is a typical short-day and temperate crop that is sensitive to photoperiod and temperature. Responses of soybean to photothermal conditions determine plant growth and development, which affect its architecture, yield formation, and capacity for geographic adaptation. Flowering time, maturity, and other traits associated with photothermal adaptability are controlled by multiple major-effect and minor-effect genes and genotype-by-environment interactions. Genetic studies have identified at least 11 loci (E1-E4, E6-E11, and J) that participate in photoperiodic regulation of flowering time and maturity in soybean. Molecular cloning and characterization of major-effect flowering genes have clarified the photoperiod-dependent flowering pathway, in which the photoreceptor gene phytochrome A, circadian evening complex (EC) components, central flowering repressor E1, and FLOWERING LOCUS T family genes play key roles in regulation of flowering time, maturity, and adaptability to photothermal conditions. Here, we provide an overview of recent progress in genetic and molecular analysis of traits associated with photothermal adaptability, summarizing advances in molecular breeding practices and tools for improving these traits. Furthermore, we discuss methods for breeding soybean varieties with better adaptability to specific ecological regions, with emphasis on a novel strategy, the Potalaization model, which allows breeding of widely adapted soybean varieties through the use of multiple molecular tools in existing elite widely adapted varieties.
参与作者: Wu,Tingting[1];Lu,Sijia[2];Cai,Yupeng[1];Xu,Xin[1];Zhang,Lixin[1];Chen,Fulu[1];Jiang,Bingjun[1];Zhang,Honglei;Sun,Shi;Zhai,Hong;Zhao,Lin;Xia,Zhengjun;Hou,Wensheng;Kong,Fanjiang;Han,Tianfu


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