
The RHW1-ZCN4 regulatory pathway confers natural variation of husk leaf width in maize

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

The RHW1-ZCN4 regulatory pathway confers natural variation of husk leaf width in maize
第一作者: Xia, Aiai
英文第一作者: Xia, Aiai
联系作者: He, Yan; Lu, Ming;Cui, Zhenhai
英文联系作者: He, Yan; Lu, Ming;Cui, Zhenhai
发表年度: 2023
摘要: Maize husk leaf - the outer leafy layers covering the ear - modulates kernel yield and quality. Despite its importance, however, the genetic controls underlying husk leaf development remain elusive.Our previous genome-wide association study identified a single nucleotide polymorphism located in the gene RHW1 (Regulator of Husk leaf Width) that is significantly associated with husk leaf-width diversity in maize. Here, we further demonstrate that a polymorphic 18-bp InDel (insertion/deletion) variant in the 30 untranslated region of RHW1 alters its protein abundance and accounts for husk leaf width variation.
RHW1 encodes a putative MYB-like transcriptional repressor. Disruption of RHW1 altered cell proliferation and resulted in a narrower husk leaf, whereas RHW1 overexpression yielded a wider husk leaf. RHW1 positively regulated the expression of ZCN4, a well-known TFL1-like protein involved in maize ear development. Dysfunction of ZCN4 reduced husk leaf width even in the context of RHW1 overexpression. The InDel variant in RHW1 is subject to selection and is associated with maize husk leaf adaption from tropical to temperate regions.
Overall, our results identify that RHW1-ZCN4 regulates a pathway conferring husk leaf width variation at a very early stage of husk leaf development in maize.
参与作者: Xia, AAI (Xia, Aiai) [1] ; Zheng, LM (Zheng, Leiming) [1] ; Wang, Z (Wang, Zi) [1] ; Wang, Q (Wang, Qi) [1] ; Lu, M (Lu, Ming) [2] ; Cui, ZH (Cui, Zhenhai) [3] ; He, Y (He, Yan) [1] , [4]


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