
Multifunctionality can be promoted by increasing agriculture-dominated heterogeneous landscapes in a

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Multifunctionality can be promoted by increasing agriculture-dominated heterogeneous landscapes in an agro-forestry interlacing zone in northeast China
第一作者: Guo, Yujie
英文第一作者: Guo, Yujie
联系作者: He, Xingyuan
英文联系作者: He, Xingyuan
发表年度: 2023
卷: 238
摘要: The assessment of landscape multifunctionality is critical for making informed decisions about landscape resource allocation, optimization, and planning. However, accurately estimating multifunctionality has been a challenging issue, and whether heterogeneous landscapes can promote multifunctionality is still unclear. In our study, we developed a comprehensive computational framework for assessing landscape multifunctionality in agro-forestry interlacing zones. Our study considered both the quality and quantity of multifunctionality by using an improved incremental thresholds method. Compared to homogeneous landscapes, heterogeneous landscapes have greater potential to maintain high levels of multifunctionality in terms of both quality and quantity. Moreover, we have conducted an analysis of the peak multifunctionality performance to establish the optimal threshold, with the aim of striking a balance between the quality and quantity of multifunctionality. Specifically, the optimal thresholds for agro-forest landscapes were 60% and 55%, respectively. Our study showed the distinct combinatorial arrangements of functions observed across various thresholds, thereby discerning the potentially dominant function in the landscape. The potential dominant function of agro-forestry landscapes was carbon sequestration, which could significantly contribute to achieving carbon neutrality goals. These findings are instructive for land managers and policy formulators working to achieve "win-win" sustainable development.
参与作者: Guo,YJ(Guo,Yujie)[1],[3];Ren,ZB(Ren,Zhibin)[1],[3];Dong,YL(Dong,Yulin)[1],[2],[3];Zhang,P(Zhang,Peng)[1],[3];Wang,CC(Wang,Chengcong)[1],[3];Ma,Zijun[1],[3];H(He,Xingyuan[1],[3],[4]


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