
Revegetation-induced changes in vegetation diversity improve soil properties of gully heads

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Revegetation-induced changes in vegetation diversity improve soil properties of gully heads
第一作者: Zhu, Yanan
英文第一作者: Zhu, Yanan
联系作者: Wang, Wenlong
英文联系作者: Wang, Wenlong
发表年度: 2023
卷: 889
摘要: Revegetation is among the most efficient methods to improve gully headcut erosion. However, the influencing mech-anism of revegetation on the soil properties of the gully head (GHSP) is still unclear. Thus, this study hypothesized that the variations in the GHSP were influenced by vegetation diversity during nature revegetation, and the influence path-ways were mainly root traits, aboveground dry biomass (ADB), and vegetation coverage (VC). We studied six grassland communities of the gully head with different natural revegetation ages. The findings showed that the GHSP were im-proved during 22-year revegetation. The interaction effect of vegetation diversity, roots, aboveground dry biomass, and vegetation coverage on the GHSP was 43 %. In addition, vegetation diversity significantly explained >70.3 % of the changes in the root traits, ADB, and VC of the gully head (P < 0.05). Therefore, we combined vegetation diversity, roots, ADB, and VC to establish the path model to explain the GHSP changes, and the goodness of fit of the model was 82.3 %. The results showed that the model explained 96.1 % of the variation in the GHSP, and the vegetation diversity of the gully head affected the GHSP through roots, ADB, and VC. Therefore, during nature revegetation, vegetation di-versity dominates the improvement of the GHSP, which has important significance for designing an optimal vegetation restoration strategy to control gully erosion.
参与作者: Zhu,YA(Zhu,Yanan)[1];Wang,WL(Wang,Wenlong)[1],[2],[3],[6];Guo,MM(Guo,Mingming)[4];Kang,HL(Kang,Hongliang)[5];Lou,YB[1];Guo,WZ[1];Feng,LQ[2],[3];Chen,ZX[2],[3]


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