
Enhanced dominance of soil moisture stress on vegetation growth in Eurasian drylands

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Enhanced dominance of soil moisture stress on vegetation growth in Eurasian drylands
第一作者: Zhang, Yu
英文第一作者: Zhang, Yu
联系作者: Zhang, Yangjian
英文联系作者: Zhang, Yangjian
发表年度: 2023
摘要: This study reveals a gradually decoupled relationship between atmospheric and soil moisture dryness in Eurasian drylands. As time goes by, the relative influential magnitude of soil moisture dryness stress on dryland ecosystems strengthens, while that of atmospheric dryness weakens and this relative dominance will persist into the future warming.Despite the mounting attention being paid to vegetation growth and their driving forces for water-limited ecosystems, the relative contributions of atmospheric and soil moisture dryness stress on vegetation growth are an ongoing debate. Here we comprehensively compare the impacts of high vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and low soil water content (SWC) on vegetation growth in Eurasian drylands during 1982-2014. The analysis indicates a gradual decoupling between atmospheric dryness and soil dryness over this period, as the former has expanded faster than the latter. Moreover, the VPD-SWC relation and VPD-greenness relation are both non-linear, while the SWC-greenness relation is near-linear. The loosened coupling between VPD and SWC, the non-linear correlations among VPD-SWC-greenness and the expanded area extent in which SWC acts as the dominant stress factor all provide compelling evidence that SWC is a more influential stressor than VPD on vegetation growth in Eurasian drylands. In addition, a set of 11 Earth system models projected a continuously growing constraint of SWC stress on vegetation growth towards 2100. Our results are vital to dryland ecosystems management and drought mitigation in Eurasia.
参与作者: Zhang,Yu[1],[2];Zhang,Yangjian[1],[2];Lian,Xu[3],[4];Zheng,Zhoutao[1];Zhao,Guang[1];Zhang,Tao[5];Xu,Minjie[5];Huang,Ke[1],[6];Chen,Ning[7];Li,Ji[1],[8];Piao,Shilong[3],[9]


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