
Evaluation of the effects of long-term natural and artificial restoration on vegetation characterist

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Evaluation of the effects of long-term natural and artificial restoration on vegetation characteristics, soil properties and their coupling coordinations
第一作者: Feng, Lanqian
英文第一作者: Feng, Lanqian
联系作者: Guo, Mingming; Wang, Wenlong
英文联系作者: Guo, Mingming; Wang, Wenlong
发表年度: 2023
卷: 884
摘要: Vegetation restoration is the most important factor to restrain soil and water loss in the Chinese Loess Plateau, and its effect is long-term. Among them, the coupling and coordination relationship between vegetation and soil is the key to the smooth implementation of ecological restoration and the project of returning farmland to forest and grassland. However, people have neglected whether the choice of vegetation restoration method is suitable for the development of ecological environment in this region, and whether vegetation and soil coexist harmoniously. In this paper, the typical watersheds with similar terrain environment but different vegetation restoration methods were selected as the research objects, which were Dongzhuanggou (natural restoration, NR) and Yangjiagou (artificial restoration, AR). Through vegetation investigation and soil physical property experiment, the comprehensive evaluation function was used to quantify the impact of restoration methods on vegetation characteristics and soil properties, and the vegetation-soil coupling model was used to explore the coordinated development of vegetation and soil under different restoration methods. The results showed that there were significant differences between the two restoration methods in terms of vegetation characteristics (P < 0.05). The vegetation diversity indices of NR were 1.59-4.81 times that of AR. For root characteristic indices, NR was 1.05-2.25 times that of AR. For soil physical properties, there was no significant difference between the two restoration methods (P > 0.05). The comprehensive evaluation function of vegetation (VCE) and soil (SCE) under NR were 0.74 and 0.42, respectively, while those under AR were 0.55 and 0.63, respectively. The comprehensive function showed that the vegetation population performance under NR was slightly better than that under AR, while the soil restoration effect was opposite. Under the two restoration methods, the vegetation-soil coupling relationship was barely coordinated (NR: 0.53; AR: 0.54), and both were the intermediate coordinated development mode. The vegetation diversity, tending level and soil management level should be improved simultaneously during the process of vegetation restoration on the Chinese Loess Plateau.
参与作者: Guo, Mingming; Wang, Wenlong


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