
Full-band, multi-angle, multi-scale, and temporal dynamic field spectral measurements in China

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Full-band, multi-angle, multi-scale, and temporal dynamic field spectral measurements in China
第一作者: Wen, Jianguang
英文第一作者: Wen, Jianguang
联系作者: Xiao, Qing
英文联系作者: Xiao, Qing
发表年度: 2023
卷: 10
摘要: Field-measured spectra are critical for remote sensing physical modelling, retrieval of structural, biophysical, and biochemical parameters, and other practical applications. We present a library of field spectra, which includes (1) portable field spectroradiometer measurements of vegetation, soil, and snow in the full-wave band, (2) multi-angle spectra measurements of desert vegetation, chernozems, and snow with consideration of the anisotropic reflectance of land surface, (3) multi-scale spectra measurements of leaf and canopy of different vegetation cover surfaces, and (4) continuous reflectance spectra time-series data revealing vegetation growth dynamics of maize, rice, wheat, rape, grassland, and so on. To the best of our knowledge, this library is unique in simultaneously providing full-band, multi-angle, multi-scale spectral measurements of the main surface elements of China covering a large spatial extent over a 10-year period. Furthermore, the 101 by 101 satellite pixels of Landsat ETM/OLI and MODIS surface reflectance centered around the field site were extracted, providing a vital linkage between ground measurements and satellite observations. The code language used for this work is Matlab 2016a.
参与作者: Wen,JG(Wen,Jianguang)[1],[2];Wu,XD(Wu,Xiaodan)[3];Xiao,Q(Xiao,Qing)[1],[2];Liu,QH(Liu,Qinhuo)[1],[2];Ma,MG;Zheng,XM;Qu,YH;Jin,R;You,DQ[1];Tang,Y;Lin,XW;Yu,WP;Gong,BC;Yang,J;Han,Y


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