
Biochar-coupled organic fertilizer reduced soil water-dispersible colloidal phosphorus contents in a

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Biochar-coupled organic fertilizer reduced soil water-dispersible colloidal phosphorus contents in agricultural fields
第一作者: Jin, Junwei
英文第一作者: Jin, Junwei
联系作者: Liang, Xinqiang
英文联系作者: Liang, Xinqiang
发表年度: 2023
卷: 333
摘要: Soil water-dispersible colloidal phosphorus (WCP) presents high mobility, however, the regulatory effect of biochar-coupled organic fertilizer is rarely known, especially under different cropping patterns. This study investigated the P adsorption, soil aggregate stability, and WCP in three paddy and three vegetable fields. These soils were amended with different fertilizers (chemical fertilizer, CF; substitution of solid-sheep manure or liquid-biogas slurry organic fertilizer, SOF/LOF; substitution of biochar-coupled organic fertilizers, BSOF/BLOF). Re-sults presented that the LOF averagely increased the WCP contents by 50.2% across the sites, but the SOF and BSOF/BLOF averagely decreased their contents by 38.5% and 50.7% in comparison with the CF. The WCP decline in the BSOF/BLOF-amended soils was mainly attributed to the intensive P adsorption capacity and soil aggregate stability. The BSOF/BLOF increased the amorphous Fe and Al contents in the fields in comparison with the CF, which improved the adsorption capacity of soil particles, further improving the maximum absorbed P (Qmax) and reducing the dissolved organic matter (DOC), leading to the improvement of > 2 mm water-stable aggregate (WSA>2mm) and subsequent WCP decrease. This was proved by the remarkable negative associa-tions between the WCP and Qmax (R2 = 0.78, p < 0.01) and WSA>2mm (R2 = 0.74, p < 0.01). This study manifests that biochar-coupled organic fertilizer could effectively reduce soil WCP content via the improvement of P adsorption and aggregate stability.
参与作者: Jin,JW(Jin,Junwei)[1];Khan,S(Khan,Sangar)[1],[2];Eltohamy,KM(Eltohamy,KamelMohamed)[1],[3];He,S(He,Shuang);Liu,CL(Liu,Chunlong)[4];Li,FY(Li,Fayong)[5];Liang,XQ(Liang,Xinqiang)[1],[4]


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