
Effects of Three Different Tillage Patterns on Ground and Below-Ground Dwelling Insect Assemblage

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Effects of Three Different Tillage Patterns on Ground and Below-Ground Dwelling Insect Assemblage
第一作者: Feng, Lichao
英文第一作者: Feng, Lichao
联系作者: Wu, Donghui
英文联系作者: Wu, Donghui
发表年度: 2023
卷: 17
摘要: Tillage could significantly change the biodiversity in farmlands. As a prominent component of farm-land ecology, crops play a key role in regulating biological communities. To explore the effects of tillage patterns and planting modes, including high-disturbance tillage practices and different plant compositions, on the abundance of soil insects, we tested the responses of soil insects to no-tillage (NT), ridge tillage (RT), and fall plow (FP) treatments with different planting modes. The results illus-trated that planting modes significantly changed the distributions of ground-dwelling insect species and disturbed interactions on the farmland. Soil-dwelling insect assemblages were mainly influ-enced by tillage patterns, which reflected that soil physicochemical properties, especially pH, had the highest contribution to the determination of community composition. The no-tillage system sup-ported the highest predator species richness and lower herbivore richness with higher abundance. In the no-tillage system, most of the insects on the farmland have established relationships, forming IP: On: Fri, 19 May 2023 15:31:03 a relatively high degree of connection between different insects. The network was more specialized Copyright: American Scientific Publishers and nested in the field with fall ploughing.In conclusion, the effects of tillage patterns and planting Delivered by Ingenta modes on insect assemblage can be divided into two spatial dimensions: the success of soil-ground insect maintenance determined by plants and below-ground depended on tillage.
参与作者: Feng, LC (Feng, Lichao) [1] ; Liang, AZ (Liang, Aizhen) [2] ; Gao, Q (Gao, Qiang) [3] ; Wu, DH (Wu, Donghui) [2] , [4]


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