
Effects of cadmium and copper mixtures on antibiotic resistance genes in rhizosphere soil

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Effects of cadmium and copper mixtures on antibiotic resistance genes in rhizosphere soil
第一作者: Pan, Jiamin
英文第一作者: Pan, Jiamin
联系作者: Zheng, Na
英文联系作者: Zheng, Na
发表年度: 2023
卷: 259
摘要: The evolvement and development of antibiotic resistance in microorganisms may be influenced by metals; however, it is still unclear how cadmium (Cd) and copper (Cu) combined affect the distribution and presence of antibiotic-resistance genes (ARGs) in rhizosphere soil. The aims of this research were to (1) compare the distribution patterns of bacterial communities and ARGs in response to the effects of Cd and Cu both separately and combined; (2) explore the possible mechanisms underlying the variation in soil bacterial communities and ARGs in addition to the combined effects of Cd, Cu, and various environmental variables (nutrients, pH, etc.); and (3) provide a reference for assessing the risks of metals (Cd and Cu) and ARGs. The findings showed that the multidrug resistance genes acrA and acrB and the transposon gene intI-1 were present in high relative abundance in bacterial communities. Cadmium and Cu had a substantial interaction effect on the abundance of acrA, whereas Cu had a notable main effect on the abundance of intI-1. According to the network analysis, the strong links between bacterial taxa and specific ARGs revealed that most ARGs were hosted by Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Bacteroidetes. According to structural equation modeling, Cd had a larger effect on ARGs than Cu. Compared to previous analyses of ARGs, bacterial community diversity had little effect on ARGs in this study. Overall, the results may have important consequences for determining the possible hazard of soil metals and extend the understanding of how Cd and Cu co-select ARGs in rhizosphere soils.
参与作者: Pan,JM(Pan,Jiamin)[1],[3];Zheng,N(Zheng,Na)[1],[2],[4];An,QR(An,Qirui)[2];Li,YY(Li,Yunyang)[1],[3];Sun,SY(Sun,Siyu)[2];Zhang,WH(Zhang,Wenhui)[2];Song,Xue[1]


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