
Grazing-induced cattle behaviour modulates the secondary production in a Eurasian steppe ecosystem

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Grazing-induced cattle behaviour modulates the secondary production in a Eurasian steppe ecosystem
第一作者: Hou, Lulu
英文第一作者: Hou, Lulu
联系作者: Xin, Xiaoping; Yan, Ruirui
英文联系作者: Xin, Xiaoping; Yan, Ruirui
发表年度: 2023
卷: 889
摘要: Livestock-grassland interactions are among the most important relationships in grazed grassland ecosystems, where herbivores play a crucial role in plant community and ecosystem functions. However, previous studies primarily have focused on the responses of grasslands to grazing, with few focussing on the effects of livestock behaviour that in turn would influence livestock intake and primary and secondary productivity. Through a 2-year grazing intensity experiment with cattle in Eurasian steppe ecosystem, global positioning system (GPS) collars were used to monitor an-imal movements, where animal locations were recorded at 10-min intervals during the growing season. We used a ran-dom forest model and the K-means method to classify animal behaviour and quantified the spatiotemporal movements of the animals. Grazing intensity appeared to be the predominant driver for cattle behaviour. Foraging time, distance travelled, and utilization area ratio (UAR) all increased with grazing intensity. The distance travelled was positively correlated with foraging time, yielding a decreased daily liveweight gain (LWG) except at light grazing. Cattle UAR showed a seasonal pattern and reached the maximum value in August. In addition, the canopy height, above-ground biomass, carbon content, crude protein, and energy content of plants all affected cattle behaviour. Grazing in-tensity and the resulting change in above-ground biomass and forage quality jointly determined the spatiotemporal characteristics of livestock behaviour. Increased grazing intensity limited forage resources and promoted intraspecific competition of livestock, which induced longer travelling distance and foraging time, and more even spatial distribu-tion when seeking habitat, which ultimately led to a reduction in LWG. In contrast, under light grazing where there were sufficient forage resources, livestock exhibited higher LWG with less foraging time, shorter travelling distance, and more specialized habitat occupation. These findings support the Optimal Foraging Theory and the Ideal Free Dis-tribution model, which may have important implications for grassland ecosystem management and sustainability.
参与作者: Hou,LL(Hou,Lulu)[1];Xin,XP(Xin,Xiaoping)[1];Sun,HX[2];Tao,Y[3];Chen,JQ[4];Yan,RR[1];Zhang,X[5];Shen,BB[1];Altome,AIA[6];Hamed,YMZ;Wang,X[1];Nurlan,S;Adilbek,N,etc.


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