
Addition of cellulose degrading bacterial agents promoting keystone fungal-mediated cellulose degrad

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Addition of cellulose degrading bacterial agents promoting keystone fungal-mediated cellulose degradation during aerobic composting: Construction the complex co-degradation system
第一作者: Li, Yingxin
英文第一作者: Li, Yingxin
联系作者: Tian, Chunjie
英文联系作者: Tian, Chunjie
发表年度: 2023
卷: 381
摘要: To excavate a complex co-degradation system for decomposing cellulose more efficiently, cellulose-degrading bacteria, including Bacillus subtilis WF-8, Bacillus licheniformis WF-11, Bacillus Cereus WS-1 and Streptomyces Nogalater WF-10 were added during maize straw and cattle manure aerobic composting. Bacillus and Streptomyces successfully colonized, which improve cellulose degrading ability. Continuous colonization of cellulose -degrading bacteria can promote the fungi to produce more precursors for humus and promote the negative correlation with Ascomycota. In the current study, the addition of cellulose-degrading bacteria has resulted in the rapid development of Mycothermus and Remersonia in the phylum Ascomycota as keystone fungal genera which constitute the foundation of the co-degradation system. Network analysis reveals the complex co-degradation system of efficient cellulose bacteria and mature fungi to treat cellulose in the process of straw aerobic com-posting mainly related to the influence of total carbon (TC) /total nitrogen (TN) and humic acid (HA)/fulvic acid (FA). This research offers a complex co-degradation system more efficiently to decompose cellulose aiming to maintain the long-term sustainability of agriculture.
参与作者: Li,Yingxin[1],[2],[3];Kuramae,EikoE.[3],[4];Nasir,Fahad[1];Wang,Enze[1],[2];Zhang,Zhengang[1],[2];Li,Ji;Yao,Zongmu;Tian,Lei;Sun,Yu;Luo,Shouyang;Guo,Lingling;Ren,Gaidi;Tian,Chunjie


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