
Reflection of Solar Light from Surface Snow Loaded with Light-Absorbing Impurities: A Case Study of

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Reflection of Solar Light from Surface Snow Loaded with Light-Absorbing Impurities: A Case Study of Black Carbon, Mineral Dust, and Ash
第一作者: Ji, Wenzheng
英文第一作者: Ji, Wenzheng
联系作者: Hao, Xiaohua
英文联系作者: Hao, Xiaohua
发表年度: 2023
卷: 57
摘要: Using a hemispherical directionalreflectance factor instrument,spectral data of dirty snow containing black carbon (BC), mineraldust (MD), and ash was collected from multiple locations to investigatethe impact of these light-absorbing impurities (LAIs) on snow reflectancecharacteristics. The findings revealed that the perturbation of snowreflectance caused by LAIs is characterized by nonlinear deceleration,indicating that the reduction in snow reflectance per unit ppm ofLAIs declines as snow contamination increases. The reduction in snowreflectance caused by BC may reach saturation at elevated particleconcentrations (thousands of ppm) on snow. Snowpacks loaded with MDor ash initially exhibit a significant reduction in spectral slopearound 600 and 700 nm. The deposition of numerous MD or ash particlescan increase snow reflectance beyond the wavelength of 1400 nm, withan increase of 0.1 for MD and 0.2 for ash. BC can darken the entiremeasurement range (350-2500 nm), while MD and ash can onlyaffect up to 1200 nm (350-1200 nm). This study enhances ourunderstanding of the multi-angle reflection characteristics of variousdirty snow, which can guide future snow albedo simulations and improvethe accuracy of LAIs' remote sensing retrieval algorithms.This study has important implicationsfor snow radiativeforcing modelling and the sustainable use of snow water resources.
参与作者: Ji,Wenzheng[1],[2];Hao,Xiaohua[1],[3];Kokhanovsky,Alexander[4];Shao,Donghang[1];Wang,Jian[1];Li,Hongyi[1],[3];Huang,Guanghui[5];Zhong,Xinyue[1];Yang,Qian[6];Yang,Yaru[1],[2]


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