
Transgenic soybean of GsMYB10 shapes rhizosphere microbes to promote resistance to aluminum (Al) tox

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Transgenic soybean of GsMYB10 shapes rhizosphere microbes to promote resistance to aluminum (Al) toxicity
第一作者: Liu,Lingrui
英文第一作者: Liu,Lingrui
联系作者: Nian, Hai; Ma, Qibin; Lian, Tengxiang
英文联系作者: Nian, Hai; Ma, Qibin; Lian, Tengxiang
发表年度: 2023
卷: 455
摘要: Plant resistance genes could affect rhizosphere microbiota, which in turn enhanced plant resistance to stresses. Our previous study found that overexpression of the GsMYB10 gene led to enhanced tolerance of soybean plants to aluminum (Al) toxicity. However, whether GsMYB10 gene could regulate rhizosphere microbiota to mitigate Al toxicity remains unclear. Here, we analyzed the rhizosphere microbiomes of HC6 soybean (WT) and trans -genic soybean (trans-GsMYB10) at three Al concentrations, and constructed three different synthetic microbial communities (SynComs), including bacterial, fungal and cross-kingdom (bacteria and fungi) SynComs to verify their role in improving Al tolerance of soybean. Trans-GsMYB10 shaped the rhizosphere microbial communities and harbored some beneficial microbes, such as Bacillus, Aspergillus and Talaromyces under Al toxicity. Fungal and cross-kingdom SynComs showed a more effective role than the bacterial one in resistance to Al stress, and these SynComs helped soybean resist Al toxicity via affecting some functional genes that involved cell wall biosynthesis and organic acid transport etc. Overall, this study reveals the mechanism of soybean functional genes regulating the synergistic resistance of rhizosphere microbiota and plants to Al toxicity, and also highlights the possibility of focusing on the rhizobial microbial community as a potential molecular breeding target to produce crops.
参与作者: Liu,Lingrui[1],[2];Cheng,Lang[1],[2];Liu,Kun[1],[2];Liu,Qi[1],[2];Gong,Zhihui[1],[2];Cai,Zhandong[1],[2];Liu,Junjie[3];Zhao,Xueqiang[4];Nian,Hai;Ma,Qibin;Lian,Tengxiang


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