
Amendments of Severe Saline-Sodic Paddy Land: Optimal Combination of Phosphogypsum, Farmyard Fertili

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Amendments of Severe Saline-Sodic Paddy Land: Optimal Combination of Phosphogypsum, Farmyard Fertilizer, and Wood Peat
第一作者: Duan, Guokang
英文第一作者: Duan, Guokang
联系作者: Liu, Miao; Liang, Zhengwei
英文联系作者: Liu, Miao; Liang, Zhengwei
发表年度: 2023
卷: 13
摘要: We aimed to determine the optimal combination of amendments to increase rice yields in saline-sodic soil. The effects of different proportions of phosphogypsum (P), farmyard fertilizer (F), and wood peat (W) across the main growth period of rice were studied. A total of 14 treatments were designed based on the "3414" fertilizer effect field experiment scheme, with 3 factors (P, F, and W) and 4 application levels per factor. Application of a combination of P, F, and W reduced soil pH and electrical conductance (EC) (p < 0.05), increasing rice yields. The theoretical rice yield after treatment P2F2W2 (P 30, F 50, and W30 t center dot ha(-1)) was 5819.20 kg center dot ha(-1), which was 32.52-fold higher than that after P0F0W0 (P, F, and W, 0 t center dot ha(-1)). Panicle weight, number of total filled grains, total grain weight, and seed-setting rate were 9.76, 17.35, 32.11, and 3.96 times higher than those in the control treatment, respectively. Compared with the control P0F0W0 treatment, soil pH in P2F2W2 in 0-5, 5-10, 10-15, and 15-20 cm depth decreased by 12.69, 12.32, 11.18, and 10.70%, respectively, and soil EC was 1.06-fold, and 70.79, 49.30, and 47.76% higher, respectively. Overall, we found that the P2F2W2 treatment, with a combination of P, 29.09-32.38 t center dot ha(-1); F, 40.36-46.97 t center dot ha(-1); and W, 19.57-23.95 t center dot ha(-1) was optimal in this experiment.
参与作者: Duan,Guokang[1],[2],[3];Liu,Miao[1],[3];Liang,Zhengwei[1],[3];Wang,Mingming[1],[3];Yang,Haoyu[1],[3];Xu,Yang[1],[3];Yu,Tianhe[1],[3];Jin,Yangyang[1],[3];Hu,Jiafeng[1],[3];Liu,Junqing


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