
Microorganisms in coastal wetland sediments: a review on microbial community structure, functional g

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Microorganisms in coastal wetland sediments: a review on microbial community structure, functional gene, and environmental potential
第一作者: Liang, Shen
英文第一作者: Liang, Shen
联系作者: Li, Huai
英文联系作者: Li, Huai
发表年度: 2023
卷: 14
摘要: Coastal wetlands (CW) are the junction of the terrestrial and marine ecosystems and have special ecological compositions and functions, which are important for maintaining biogeochemical cycles. Microorganisms inhabiting in sediments play key roles in the material cycle of CW. Due to the variable environment of CW and the fact that most CW are affected by human activities and climate change, CW are severely degraded. In-depth understanding of the community structure, function, and environmental potential of microorganisms in CW sediments is essential for wetland restoration and function enhancement. Therefore, this paper summarizes microbial community structure and its influencing factors, discusses the change patterns of microbial functional genes, reveals the potential environmental functions of microorganisms, and further proposes future prospects about CW studies. These results provide some important references for promoting the application of microorganisms in material cycling and pollution remediation of CW.
参与作者: Liang, S (Liang, Shen) [1] , [2] ; Li, H (Li, Huai) [1] ; Wu, HT (Wu, Haitao) [1] ; Yan, BX (Yan, Baixing) [1] ; Song, AW (Song, Aiwen) [1] , [2]


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