
Quantifying the effect of freeze-thaw on the soil erodibility of gully heads of typical gullies in t

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Quantifying the effect of freeze-thaw on the soil erodibility of gully heads of typical gullies in the Mollisols region of Northeast China
第一作者: Zhou, Pengchong
英文第一作者: Zhou, Pengchong
联系作者: Guo, Mingming; Zhang, Xingyi
英文联系作者: Guo, Mingming; Zhang, Xingyi
发表年度: 2023
卷: 228
摘要: The soil erodibility of gully headwalls is a critical factor influencing gully erosion. In some cold regions, the soil of gully headwalls is subjected to a bidirectional freeze-thaw effect (FT), while the quantification of the influence of FT on the soil erodibility of gully heads is unclear. Therefore, five typical and representative gullies developed in farmlands (GF1 and GF2), along unpaved road (GR), in the woodland (GW) and in stabilized gully bed (GS) were selected to quantify the influence of FT on the soil erodibility of gully heads reflected by five soil erodibility parameters including the K factor (K), soil disintegration rate (SDR), mean weight diameter (MWD), soil shear strength (SS) and saturated soil hydraulic conductivity (SHC). A comprehensive soil erodibility index (CSEI) was constructed by combining the above five soil erodibility parameters. This study revealed that FT significantly affected the five soil erodibility parameters and CSEI, of which the K and SDR increased by 22.7 % and 52.3 %, respectively, but the MWD, SHC and SS decreased by 29.3 %, 30.4 % and 26.1 %, respectively. The change in soil erodibility of the gully heads was closely related to the soil and root properties, of which the contribution of roots to the change in soil erodibility of gully heads was increased by 78.5 % after FT on average. Furthermore, FT significantly increased the CSEI at depths of 0-50 cm in GF1, GF2 and GR, and at depths of 0-80 cm in Gw and GS. FT increased the CSEIs of the five gully heads by 20.1 %-37.3 %, with an average of 26.1 %. Evidently, the organic matter content (OMC), soil texture and temperature dominated the change in the CSEI, of which the extremely low temperature and temperature rangeability during freeze-thaw period exhibited the greatest impact on the soil erodibility of the gully heads.
刊物名称: CATENA
参与作者: Zhou,PC(Zhou,Pengchong)[1],[5];Guo,MM(Guo,Mingming)[1];Zhang,XY(Zhang,Xingyi)[1],[5];Zhang,SL(Zhang,Shaoliang)[2];Qi,JR(Qi,Jiarui)[2];Chen,Zhuoxin[3],[5];Wang,Lixin[2];Xu,Jinzhong[4]


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