
Big-sized trees and higher species diversity improve water holding capacities of forests in northeas

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Big-sized trees and higher species diversity improve water holding capacities of forests in northeast China
第一作者: Yang, Yanbo
英文第一作者: Yang, Yanbo
联系作者: He, Xingyuan; Wang, Wenjie
英文联系作者: He, Xingyuan; Wang, Wenjie
发表年度: 2023
卷: 880
摘要: High water-holding forests are essential for adapting to drought climates under global warming, and a central issue is which type of forests could conserve more water in the ecosystem. This paper explores how forest structure, plant di-versity, and soil physics impact forest water-holding capacities. We investigated 720 sampling plots by measuring water-holding capacities from 1440 soil and litter samples, 8400 leaves, and 1680 branches and surveying 18,054 trees in total (28 species). Water-holding capacities were measured as four soil indices (Maxwc, maximum water-holding capacity; Fcwc, field water-holding capacity; Cpwc, soil capillary water-holding capacity; Ncpwc, non-capillary water-holding capacity), two litter metrics (Maxwcl, maximum water-holding capacity of litters; Ewcl, effective water-holding capacity of litters), and canopy interception (C, the sum of estimated water interception of all branches and leaves of all tree species in the plot). We found that water-holding capacity in the big-sized tree plots was 4-25 % higher in the litters, 54-64 % in the canopy, and 6-37 % in the soils than in the small-sized plots. The higher species richness increased all soil water-holding capacities compared to the lowest richness plot. Higher Simpson and Shannon-Wiener plots had 10-27 % higher Ewcl and C than the lowest plots. Bulk density had the strongest negative relations with Maxwc, Cpwc, and Fcwc, whereas field soil water content positively affected them. Soil physics, forest structure, and plant diversity explained 90.5 %, 5.9 %, and 0.2 % of the water-holding variation, respectively. Tree sizes increased C, Ncpwc, Ewcl directly (p < 0.05), and richness increased Ewcl directly (p < 0.05). However, the direct effects from the uniform angle index (tree distribution evenness) were balanced by their indirect effect from soil physics. Our findings highlighted that the mixed forests with big-sized trees and rich spe-cies could effectively improve the water-holding capacities of the ecosystem.
参与作者: Yang,YB(Yang,Yanbo)[2];Jing,LX(Jing,Lixin)[2];Li,Qi[2];Liang,Chentao[2];Dong,Quanxing[2];Zhao,ST(Zhao,Shuting[2];Chen,Yuwen[2];She,Danqi[2];Zhang,Xu[2];Wang,Lei[2];Cheng,Guanchao[2];etc.


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