
Pollen limitation and context-dependent alleviating mechanisms in a co-flowering alpine grassland co

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Pollen limitation and context-dependent alleviating mechanisms in a co-flowering alpine grassland community
第一作者: Wang, Yuxian
英文第一作者: Wang, Yuxian
联系作者: Zhao, Zhigang
英文联系作者: Zhao, Zhigang
发表年度: 2023
摘要: The consequences of community metrics (e.g. co-flowering diversity and floral density) and plant traits (e.g. pollinator dependency and trait similarity) on pollen limitation (PL) may depend on pollinator-mediated competitive or facilitative interactions among plants in co-flowering communities, which could vary with community contexts (i.e. different altitude communities) and under human disturbances (e.g. livestock grazing). However, the mechanisms to alleviate PL under different contexts, considering pollinator-mediated interactions among neighboring plants are unclear. We investigated PL under grazing versus ungrazing conditions in low versus high altitude alpine meadows on the Tibetan Plateau to uncover the underlying mechanisms mediating PL associated with livestock grazing. We found that PL is prevalent in alpine grasslands, irrespective of community contexts. Grazing exclusion decreased PL in the two sites but in different ways. At the high-altitude site, PL was reduced by the exclusion of grazers through increased trait similarity (suggesting facilitation). While PL was reduced by decreased trait similarity (suggesting competition avoidance) under grazing exclusion at the low-altitude site. Our results provide a mechanistic understanding of PL in co-flowering alpine grassland communities under distinct human disturbances at different altitudes, emphasizing the role of pollinator-mediated interactions among plants on plant reproductive success.
刊物名称: OIKOS
参与作者: Wang, YX (Wang, Yuxian) [1] , [2] ; Gao, EL (Gao, Erliang) [1] ; Hou, M (Hou, Meng) [1] , [3] ; Ghazoul, J (Ghazoul, Jaboury) [2] ; Zhao, ZG (Zhao, Zhigang) [1]


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