
Disruption of CHORISMATE SYNTHASE1 leads to yellow-green variegation in soybean leaves

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Disruption of CHORISMATE SYNTHASE1 leads to yellow-green variegation in soybean leaves
第一作者: Zhu, Xiaobin
英文第一作者: Zhu, Xiaobin
联系作者: Yang, Suxin; Feng, Xianzhong
英文联系作者: Yang, Suxin; Feng, Xianzhong
发表年度: 2023
摘要: Yellow-green variegation leaf phenotype adds more value to ornamental plants, but it is regarded as an undesirable trait in crop plants, affecting their yields. Until recently, the underlying mechanism regulating the yellow-green variegation phenotype has remained largely unexplored in soybean. In the present study, we indentified four Glycine max leaf yellow/green variegation mutants, Gmvar1, Gmvar2, Gmvar3, and Gmvar4, from artificial mutagenesis populations. Map-based cloning, together with the allelic identification test and CRISPR-based gene knockout, proved that mutated GmCS1 controls yellow-green variegation phenotype of the Gmvar mutants. GmCS1 encodes a chorismate synthase in soybean. The content of Phe, Tyr, and Trp were dramatically decreased in Gmcs1 mutants. Exogenous supply of three aromatic amino acid mixtures, or only Phe to Gmvar mutants, leads to recovery of the mutant phenotype. The various biological processes and signalling pathways related to metabolism and biosynthesis were altered in Gmvar mutants. Collectively, our findings provide new insights about the molecular regulatory network of yellow-green variegation leaf phenotype in soybean.Loss-of-function mutations of the CHORISMATE SYNTHASE1gene perturb aromatic amino acid biosynthesis and lead to yellow-green variegation in soybean leaves.
参与作者: Zhu,Xiaobin[1],[2],[3];Zheng,Kaijie[2];Lu,Lei[1];Yu,Hui[2];Wang,Fawei[1];Yang,Xinjing[2],[3];AkhterBhat,Javaid[4];Zhao,Beifang[2];Wang,Yi[1];Li,Haiyan[1];Yang,Suxin[2];Feng,Xianzhong[2],[4]


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