
Effective Nitric Oxide Reduction Over Core-Shell Cu-SSZ-13@meso-MOx Catalysts with Significant Catal

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Effective Nitric Oxide Reduction Over Core-Shell Cu-SSZ-13@meso-MOx Catalysts with Significant Catalytic Activity and Hydrothermal Stability
第一作者: Li, Yunhui
英文第一作者: Li, Yunhui
联系作者: Zhang, Xinyan;Zhang, Shaoqing
英文联系作者: Zhang, Shaoqing
发表年度: 2023
卷: 88
摘要: In this study, Cu-SSZ-13 zeolites are successfully coated with mesoporous metal oxides (CeO2, Fe2O3, TiO2 and SiO2) and prepared as core-shell Cu-SSZ-13@meso-MOx samples with hierarchical pore structure. Compared with Cu-SSZ-13, the catalytic activity and hydrothermal stability of the Cu-SSZ-13@meso-MOx have been greatly improved. The promoting effect of meso-MOx shell on the catalytic activity of Cu-SSZ-13 is mainly attribute to the presence of both microporous and mesoporous structures, the formation of more active isolated Cu2+ ions and more L-acid sites, and the synergistic effect between Cu-SSZ-13 and meso-MOx interaction. Moreover, all the Cu-SSZ-13@meso-MOx catalysts maintain their activities to a greater extent after hydrothermal aging. The core-shell structure may play a protective role and greatly improve the hydrothermal stability of Cu-SSZ-13. More L-acidic sites and more isolated Cu2+ ions are preserved under the protection of mesoporous structure.
参与作者: Li, YH (Li, Yunhui) [1] ; Li, GG (Li, Ganggang) [2] ; Xu, TT (Xu, Tingting) [1] ; Zhang, XY (Zhang, Xinyan) [1] , [3] ; Zhang, SQ (Zhang, Shaoqing) [4] ; Hao, ZP (Hao, Zhengping) [2]


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