
Effects of Different Irrigation and Fertilization Practices on Nitrogen Balance and Yield on Greenho

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Effects of Different Irrigation and Fertilization Practices on Nitrogen Balance and Yield on Greenhouse Eggplant (Solanum melongen L.) in Mollisols
第一作者: Zhang, Jinyuan
英文第一作者: Zhang, Jinyuan
联系作者: Jiao, Xiaoguang;Sui, Yueyu
英文联系作者: Jiao, Xiaoguang;Sui, Yueyu
发表年度: 2023
摘要: Balancing the nitrogen (N) budgets of agricultural production is crucial to maintaining yield and reducing the environmental pollution, especially in vegetable systems. Here, a systematic study was conducted on eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) yield, N uptake, N leaching and N balance in response to regular fertilization and irrigation (WF), reducing 20% of chemical fertilizers (W + 80%F), reducing 20% of irrigation amount (80%W+F), and biochar addition (WF+B) in a greenhouse eggplant system in Northeastern China. The results showed that compared with WF, 80%W+F treatment decreased eggplant yield, N uptake and N leaching by 11%, 23% and 14%, respectively. However, it increased N surplus by 30%. W + 80%F not only decreased N surplus by 4% and improved N balance, but also maintained eggplant yield and N uptake. WF+B significantly increased eggplant yield and N uptake, however, it sharply increased N surplus by 141% and caused N imbalance. Therefore, these results demonstrated that reducing chemical fertilizers by 20% would be the most suitable management practice for maintaining eggplant yield and reducing N surplus in greenhouse vegetable systems.
参与作者: Zhang, JY (Zhang, Jinyuan) [1] , [2] ; Wang, Y (Wang, Yao) [1] , [2] ; Jin, J (Jin, Jian) [1] ; Chen, YM (Chen, Yimin) [1] ; Sui, YY (Sui, Yueyu) [1] , [5] ; Jiao, XG (Jiao, Xiaoguang) [3] , [4]


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