
Spatial pattern analysis of coordinated relationship between county development and resources in Chi

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Spatial pattern analysis of coordinated relationship between county development and resources in China
第一作者: Liu, Xiaohui
英文第一作者: Liu, Xiaohui
联系作者: Liu, Wenxin; Zheng, Xingming
英文联系作者: Liu, Wenxin; Zheng, Xingming
发表年度: 2023
卷: 136
摘要: The economic and social development gaps, and the uneven distribution of natural resources in China require a focus on county-level issues. This study explored the coupling coordinated relationship between county devel-opment and resources and the environment in China to provide direction and theoretical support for sustainable development. An index system of county development and resources and the environment was constructed, combined with the regionalization of China. This study identified the spatial patterns and differences in county development and resources and environment in China, as well as the regional coupling coordination degree between them. Results showed that the coupling coordination degree was high whether in the northern region or southern region, and more than 95% of counties were in grade IV or above. In Qinghai-Tibetan region, 79.14% of counties were grade IV or above, and 19.42% of counties were grade III. In northwest region, 53.81% of counties were grade IV or above, while 12.18% of counties were grade II. This study showed the difference in the coordination based on regionalization. It proposed suggestions for the development direction of counties with different coordination grades.
参与作者: Liu, XH (Liu, Xiaohui) [1] , [2] , [3] ; Liu, WX (Liu, Wenxin) [1] ; Zheng, XM (Zheng, Xingming) [1] ; Wang, CS (Wang, Chuansheng) [4]


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