
Genome-Wide Association Study Identified Novel SNPs Associated with Chlorophyll Content in Maize

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Genome-Wide Association Study Identified Novel SNPs Associated with Chlorophyll Content in Maize
第一作者: Jin, Yueting
英文第一作者: Jin, Yueting
联系作者: Cao, Huiying; Ruan, Yanye
英文联系作者: Cao, Huiying; Ruan, Yanye
发表年度: 2023
卷: 14
摘要: Chlorophyll is an essential component that captures light energy to drive photosynthesis. Chlorophyll content can affect photosynthetic activity and thus yield. Therefore, mining candidate genes of chlorophyll content will help increase maize production. Here, we performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) on chlorophyll content and its dynamic changes in 378 maize inbred lines with extensive natural variation. Our phenotypic assessment showed that chlorophyll content and its dynamic changes were natural variations with a moderate genetic level of 0.66/0.67. A total of 19 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were found associated with 76 candidate genes, of which one SNP, 2376873-7-G, co-localized in chlorophyll content and area under the chlorophyll content curve (AUCCC). Zm00001d026568 and Zm00001d026569 were highly associated with SNP 2376873-7-G and encoded pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein and chloroplastic palmitoyl-acyl carrier protein thioesterase, respectively. As expected, higher expression levels of these two genes are associated with higher chlorophyll contents. These results provide a certain experimental basis for discovering the candidate genes of chlorophyll content and finally provide new insights for cultivating high-yield and excellent maize suitable for planting environment.
刊物名称: GENES
参与作者: Jin,YT(Jin,Yueting)[1];Li,D(Li,Dan)[1];Liu,ML(Liu,Meiling)[1];Cui,ZH(Cui,Zhenhai)[1],[2];Sun,DQ(Sun,Daqiu)[1];Li,C(Li,Cong)[1];Zhang,Ao[1];Cao,Huiying[1];Ruan,Yanye[1],[3]


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