
Genome-Wide Identification and Analysis of OsSPXs Revealed Its Genetic Influence on Cold Tolerance o

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Genome-Wide Identification and Analysis of OsSPXs Revealed Its Genetic Influence on Cold Tolerance of Dongxiang Wild Rice (DXWR)
第一作者: Huang, Cheng
英文第一作者: Huang, Cheng
联系作者: Tian, Chunjie
英文联系作者: Tian, Chunjie
发表年度: 2023
卷: 24
摘要: SPX-domain proteins (small proteins with only the SPX domain) have been proven to be involved in phosphate-related signal transduction and regulation pathways. Except for OsSPX1 research showing that it plays a role in the process of rice adaptation to cold stress, the potential functions of other SPX genes in cold stress are unknown. Therefore, in this study, we identified six OsSPXs from the whole genome of DXWR. The phylogeny of OsSPXs has a strong correlation with its motif. Transcriptome data analysis showed that OsSPXs were highly sensitive to cold stress, and real-time PCR verified that the levels of OsSPX1, OsSPX2, OsSPX4, and OsSPX6 in cold-tolerant materials (DXWR) during cold treatment were higher than that of cold-sensitive rice (GZX49). The promoter region of DXWR OsSPXs contains a large number of cis-acting elements related to abiotic stress tolerance and plant hormone response. At the same time, these genes have expression patterns that are highly similar to cold-tolerance genes. This study provides useful information about OsSPXs, which is helpful for the gene-function research of DXWR and genetic improvements during breeding.
参与作者: Huang,C(Huang,Cheng)[1];Wang,JL(Wang,Jilin)[1];Wang,DW(Wang,Dianwen)[1];Chang,Jingjing[2];Chen,Hongping[1];Chen,Dazhou[1];Deng,Wei[1];Tian,Chunjie[2]


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