
Selection of rhizosphere communities of diverse rotation crops reveals unique core microbiome associ

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Selection of rhizosphere communities of diverse rotation crops reveals unique core microbiome associated with reduced banana Fusarium wilt disease
第一作者: Hong, Shan
英文第一作者: Hong, Shan
联系作者: Jia, Zhongjun; Ruan, Yunze
英文联系作者: Jia, Zhongjun; Ruan, Yunze
发表年度: 2023
卷: 238
摘要: Crop rotation can assemble distinct core microbiota as functionally specific barriers against the invasion of banana Fusarium oxysporum pathogens. However, the taxonomic identity of rotation-unique core taxa and their legacy effects are poorly understood under field conditions.Pepper and eggplant rotations were employed to reveal rotation crop- and banana-unique antagonistic core taxa by in situ tracking of the soil microbiome assembly patterns for 2 yr. The rotation crop-unique antagonistic taxa were isolated and functionally verified by culture-dependent techniques, high-throughput sequencing, and pot experiments.Pepper and eggplant rotations resulted in eight and one rotation-unique antagonistic core taxa out of 12 507 microbial taxa, respectively. These nine antagonistic taxa were retained the following year and significantly decreased banana wilt disease incidence via legacy effects, although the cultivated strains were exclusively of the genera Bacillus and Pseudomonas. The fermentation broth and volatiles of these two taxa showed strong antagonistic activity, and pot experiments demonstrated high suppression of wilt disease and significant promotion of banana growth.Our study provides a mechanistic understanding of the identification of rotation crop-unique antagonistic taxa and highlights the importance of targeted cultivation of beneficial microorganisms for optimizing crop rotation-based scenarios in support of banana agriculture sustainability.
参与作者: Hong,S(Hong,Shan)[1],[2],[3];Yuan,XF(Yuan,Xianfu)[4];Yang,JM(Yang,Jinming)[2];Yang,Y(Yang,Yue)[2];Jv,H(Jv,Hongling)[2];Li,R(Li,Rong)[5];Jia,ZJ(Jia,Zhongjun)[1],[2],[6],[7];Ruan,YZ(Ruan,Yunze)[1],[2]


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