
Article The genetic basis of high-latitude adaptation in wild soybean

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Article The genetic basis of high-latitude adaptation in wild soybean
第一作者: Dong, Lidong
英文第一作者: Dong, Lidong
联系作者: Cheng, Qun; Kong, Fanjiang; Liu, Baohui
英文联系作者: Cheng, Qun; Kong, Fanjiang; Liu, Baohui
发表年度: 2023
卷: 33
摘要: In many plants, flowering time is influenced by daylength as an adaptive response. In soybean (Glycine max) cultivars, however, photoperiodic flowering reduces crop yield and quality in high-latitude regions. Under-standing the genetic basis of wild soybean (Glycine soja) adaptation to high latitudes could aid breeding of improved cultivars. Here, we identify the Tof4 (Time of flowering 4) locus, which encodes by an E1-like pro-tein, E1La, that represses flowering and enhances adaptation to high latitudes in wild soybean. Moreover, we found that Tof4 physically associates with the promoters of two important FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT2a and FT5a) and with Tof5 to inhibit their transcription under long photoperiods. The effect of Tof4 on flowering and maturity is mediated by FT2a and FT5a proteins. Intriguingly, Tof4 and the key flowering repressor E1 inde-pendently but additively regulate flowering time, maturity, and grain yield in soybean. We determined that weak alleles of Tof4 have undergone natural selection, facilitating adaptation to high latitudes in wild soybean. Notably, over 71.5% of wild soybean accessions harbor the mutated alleles of Tof4 or a previously reported gain-of-function allele Tof5H2, suggesting that these two loci are the genetic basis of wild soybean adaptation to high latitudes. Almost no cultivated soybean carries the mutated tof4 allele. Introgression of the tof4-1 and Tof5H2 alleles into modern soybean or editing E1 family genes thus represents promising avenues to obtain early-maturity soybean, thereby improving productivity in high latitudes.
参与作者: Dong,LD;Li,SC;Wang,LS;Su,T;Zhang,CB;Bi,YD;Lai,YC;Kong,LP;Wang,F;Pei,XX;Li,HY;Hou,ZH;Du,HP;Du,H;Li,T;Cheng,Q;Fang,C;Kong,FJ;Liu,BH


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