
Water surface albedo and its driving factors on the turbid lakes of Northeast China.

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Water surface albedo and its driving factors on the turbid lakes of Northeast China.
第一作者: Du, Jia
英文第一作者: Du, Jia
联系作者: Du, Jia
英文联系作者: Du, Jia
发表年度: 2023
卷: 146
摘要: Lake water surface albedo (LWSA) is a critical parameter for describing energy flux balance at the air–water interface. It is used to measure the capacity of lake water surface reflectance in the shortwave radiation band, which controls the energy partitioning between atmosphere and lake. LWSA and its driving factors, including solar radiation angle, water quality and meteorology, in lakes of Northeast China was analyzed in this research. Solar altitude angle emerged as the most important controlling factor of LWSA. The results showed a strong reduction in LWSA values with increase in solar altitude angle. The study also documented a strong effect of suspended matter on the radiative properties of lakes surface, leading to increased LWSA with increased in suspended matter concentration, especially at high solar altitude angles (R2: 0.76). While no significant association (R2: 0.11) was found between LWSA and chlorophyll-a concentration, LWSA was positively correlated with wind speed (R2 of 0.62 and 0.50 at high and low solar altitude angles, respectively), likely a consequence of wind-driven sediment resuspension in lake waters. Although chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and organic particulate matter can affect energy partitioning and spectral distribution of incident solar radiation in lake waters, there was insufficient evidence of measurable effects on LWSA. Variations in LWSA recorded in this study were primarily dependent on similar solar altitude angles and backscattering properties of inorganic particulate matter suspended in the water column. Higher surface albedo was found in the turbid lakes.
刊物名称: Ecological Indicators
参与作者: Jacinthe, Pierre-Andre; Song, Kaishan; Zhou,Haohao


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