
Grassland greening impacts on global land surface temperature

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Grassland greening impacts on global land surface temperature
第一作者: Shen, Xiangjin
英文第一作者: Shen, Xiangjin
联系作者: Shen, Xiangjin;
英文联系作者: Shen, Xiangjin;Wang, Lei
发表年度: 2022
卷: 838
摘要: Grassland vegetation greenness has been increasing globally during the past decades. Although the vegetation coverage change could have significant effects on climate by affecting albedo and evapotranspiration (ET), the effects of global grassland greening on climate remain unclear due to the lack of long-term field observation data. Here, we used satellite measurements of land surface temperature (LST) from high coverage grassland and adjacent low coverage grassland (divided according to the leaf area index) to quantify, for the first time, the biogeophysical effects of global grassland greening on surface temperatures. Results showed that grassland greening decreased the annual mean LST and daytime LST (LSTD), but did not significantly change night-time LST (LSTN) globally from 2003 to 2017. Spatially, grassland greening had significant cooling effects on the annual mean LST and LSTD for latitudes south of 50 degrees N due to the cooling effect of increased ET, whereas warming affects on the annual mean LST and LSTD in the high northern latitudes (> 50 degrees N) because of the warming effects of decreased albedo. This study revealed that the effects of grassland greening on surface temperatures changed with latitude. During June, July, and August (JJA), the increasing grassland vegetation coverage decreased the LST between 25 degrees S and 50 degrees N, but increased the mean LST in high northern latitudes. By contrast, grassland greening has no significant effect on the mean LST in the temperate southern hemisphere (> 25 degrees S) during JJA due to cooling and warming effects on LSTD and LSTN, respectively. During December, January, and February, grassland greening decreased the mean LST and LSTD for latitudes south of 25 degrees N, but increased the mean LST and LSTN for latitudes north of 25 degrees N. This study highlights the importance of including grassland vegetation coverage in models of regional surface temperature dynamics and future climate forecast.
刊物名称: Science of the Total Environment
参与作者: Shen, X. J., et al.


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