
Microplastic pollution in soils, plants, and animals: A review of distributions, effects and potenti

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Microplastic pollution in soils, plants, and animals: A review of distributions, effects and potential mechanisms
第一作者: Chang, Xiao
英文第一作者: Chang, Xiao
联系作者: Zhong, Rongzhen
英文联系作者: Zhong, Rongzhen
发表年度: 2022
卷: 850
摘要: Increasing production of synthetic plastics and poor management of plastic wastes have dramatically increased the amount of plastics in the environment. In 2014, at the first United Nations Environment Assembly, marine plastic waste pollution was listed as one of the 10 most pressing environmental issues. In addition, there is much plastic waste in terrestrial ecosystems due to substantial residues from agricultural mulching and packing. As a recently recognized pollutant, microplastics (MPs) have attracted significant attention from the public and various governments. Concentrations of MPs in the environment vary among locations, from <100 to >1 x 106 particles per cubic meter. Many studies have addressed the impacts and potential mechanisms of MPs on the environment and organisms. Humans and other organisms can ingest or carry MPs in a variety of passive ways and these MPs can have a range of negative effects on metabolism, function, and health. Additionally, given their large surface area, MPs can sorb various pollutants, including heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants, with serious implications for animals and human wellbeing. However, due to their complexity and a lack of accurate determination methods, the systematic impacts of MP pollution on whole foodwebs are not clearly established. Therefore, this review summarizes current research advances in MP pollution, particularly the impact of MPs on soils, plants, and animals, and proposes potential future research prospects to better characterize MPs.
刊物名称: Science of the Total Environment
参与作者: Chang, X., et al.


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