
Coupling localized Noah-MP-Crop model with the WRF model improved dynamic crop growth simulation acr

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Coupling localized Noah-MP-Crop model with the WRF model improved dynamic crop growth simulation across Northeast China
第一作者: Yu, Lingxue
英文第一作者: Yu, Lingxue
联系作者: Liu, Tingxiang
英文联系作者: Liu, Tingxiang
发表年度: 2022
卷: 201
摘要: Northeast China is an important commodity grain base in China and plays an important role in maintaining national and local food security. The intensifying climate variability and strengthening of extreme weather events threaten crop growth and yields in this region. The dynamic crop model coupled into the land surface models showed advances in simulating crop phenology and crop growth response to climate change, however, which was mainly validated for the United States. By comparing with the satellite observed crop growth cycles, we firstly calibrated the parameters for the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) coupled Noah-MP-Crop model. Then, we evaluated the performance of the calibrated WRF-Noah-MP-Crop model with the default crop models and the dynamic vegetation models coupled with WRF by comparing our simulations with corre-sponding satellite measurements and meteorological observations. Our results indicated the augmentation of the Noah-MP-Crop model in WRF significantly improved the crop phenology simulation at the beginning and ending time of the growing season compared with the dynamic vegetation model using unmanaged crops. The satellite -calibrated crop parameters substantially improved the simulation of crop growth, plant physiology, and biomass accumulation for both corn and soybean. Coupling the localized dynamic crop model into the WRF led to considerable decreases in the simulated mean-absolute-errors (MAEs) and biases of the leaf area index, evapo-transpiration, and gross primary production compared with the MODIS observed values. Compared with the statistical yield from each province, the modified crop model underestimated the corn yield from 11.1% to 48.6%, whereas overestimated the soybean yield from 16.5% to 162.6%. The coupled WRF-Noah-MP-Crop model with flexible resolutions holds unmatched advantages in estimating and projecting crop growth and yield under future climate change scenarios, which would be critical in ensuring sustainable agricultural development and maintaining future food security.
刊物名称: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
参与作者: Yu, L. X., et al.


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