
Editorial: Novel technologies for soybean improvement

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Editorial: Novel technologies for soybean improvement
第一作者: Feng, Xianzhong
英文第一作者: Feng, Xianzhong
联系作者: Feng, Xianzhong
英文联系作者: Feng, Xianzhong
发表年度: 2022
卷: 13
摘要: Growing human population has put enormous pressure on the global food security. In the past few decades, the soybean yield has remained stagnant especially due to the use of conventional breeding technologies. In this regard, the research community were looking for the novel breeding technologies to revolutionize the soybean breeding. “Novel breeding technologies” are biotech-based approaches to modify plant characteristics fast and accurately. In this scenario, the current Research Topic “novel technologies for soybean improvement” is intended to collect articles on recent advances and future applications of the novel technologies in the soybean breeding to boost the soybean production. These approaches and technologies include molecular design breeding approaches, genome editing and transformation technology, RNA interference approach, Marker-Assisted and Genomics-Selection breeding approaches, machine learning and bioinformatics technology. Below we briefly highlight the applications and potential of the new approaches in the soybean breeding; and how they can be significant for increasing the yield and quality in soybean that are presented in a collection of 20 papers published in the special issue on the Research Topic: Novel Technologies for Soybean Improvement.
刊物名称: Frontiers in Plant Science
参与作者: Feng, X. Z., et al.


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