
Co-elevation of CO2 and temperature enhances nitrogen mineralization in the rhizosphere of rice

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Co-elevation of CO2 and temperature enhances nitrogen mineralization in the rhizosphere of rice
第一作者: Zhang, Jinyuan
英文第一作者: Zhang, Jinyuan
联系作者: Jin, Jian
英文联系作者: Jin, Jian
发表年度: 2022
摘要: It is unclear how elevated CO2 (eCO(2)) and warming interactively influence soil N mineralization in the rhizosphere of rice (Oryza sativa L.), given that the N mineralization process in anaerobic paddy soils differs from that of aerobic upland soils. In this study, we conducted a rhizobox experiment in open top chambers and used N-15-C-13 dual-labeling to examine the impacts of eCO(2) (700 ppm) and warming (2 degrees C above the ambient) on N mineralization and associated microbial processes in the rhizosphere of rice plants under anaerobic conditions. Compared to the control, the combination of eCO(2) and warming increased rice N uptake by 50% in a no-added-N treatment and 32% under an N-added treatment, with the additional uptake mainly consisting of soil-derived N. Co-elevation of CO2 and temperature increased microbial biomass C and N and increased N mineralization by 41% and 23% in the no-added-N and N-added treatments, respectively. The absolute abundances of the N-mineralization genes chiA, pepA, pepN, and urea hydrolysis gene ureC in the rhizosphere increased by 22-30% under eCO(2) and warming, corresponding to the additional N mineralization and photosynthetic C allocation into the soil. However, eCO(2) plus warming did not increase the metabolic efficiency of N mineralization (mineralized N per unit microbial N). Our results suggest that the co-elevation of CO2 and temperature stimulated microbially mediated soil N mineralization in the rhizosphere of rice, posing a risk on the acceleration of soil organic matter decomposition.
刊物名称: Biology and Fertility of Soils
参与作者: Zhang, J. Y. Yu, Z. H. Li, Y. S. Wang, G. H. Liu, X. B. Tang, C. X. Adams, J. Liu, J. J. Liu, J. D. Zhang, S. Q. Wu, J. J. Jin, J.


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