
Asymmetric daytime and nighttime surface temperature feedback induced by crop greening across Northe

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Asymmetric daytime and nighttime surface temperature feedback induced by crop greening across Northeast China
第一作者: Yu, Lingxue
英文第一作者: Yu, Lingxue
联系作者: Liu, Tingxiang
英文联系作者: Liu, Tingxiang
发表年度: 2022
卷: 325
摘要: Mid-high latitude Northeast China witnessed significant crop greening from 2001 to 2020, as evidenced by satellite records and field observations. The land surface temperature of croplands during the growing season showed a decreasing trend, suggesting negative surface temperature feedback to crop greening of agricultural ecosystems in mid-high latitude Northeast China. Using time-series remote sensing products and long-term scenario simulations, the present study highlights that crop greening can slow climate warming. Our study noted a stronger surface cooling effect induced by crop greening during the growing season in the day than at the night, which contributed to asymmetric diurnal temperature cycle changes in Northeast China. In addition, our biophysical mechanism analysis revealed aerodynamic and surface resistances as the major driving factors for the daytime land surface temperature (LST) cooling effect induced by crop greening, while the ground heat flux and ambient temperature feedback as the major attributes of the nighttime LST cooling impact due to crop greening.
刊物名称: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
参与作者: Yu, L. X. Liu, Y. Yang, J. C. Liu, T. X. Bu, K. Li, G. S. Jiao, Y. Zhang, S. W.


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