
Decrease in the residents' accessibility of summer cooling services due to green space loss in Chin

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Decrease in the residents' accessibility of summer cooling services due to green space loss in Chinese cities
第一作者: Dong, Yulin
英文第一作者: Dong, Yulin
联系作者: He, Xingyuan
英文联系作者: He, Xingyuan
发表年度: 2022
卷: 158
摘要: Urban green spaces (UGSs) reduce the surrounding temperature and create cooling areas as a buffer between people and high temperatures, thus helping residents adapt to the warming climate. However, the accessibility of UGS cooling services to the residents of cities remains largely unknown, which hinders decision-making regarding the formulation of climate adaptation and urban greening schemes. In the present study, we estimated the number of residents who accessed UGSs for cooling by analyzing the annual changes in such cooling areas during summer across 315 Chinese cities from 2003 to 2015. Approximately 93.3% of the cities showed significant decreasing trends (p < 0.05) of the total UGS area; as such the UGS coverage dropped from 12.23 +/- 0.32% in 2003 to 7.69 +/- 0.22% in 2015. Consequently, with the prevalent loss of UGS, the coverage of cooling spaces decreased from 32.55 +/- 0.76% in 2003 to 24.39 +/- 0.60% in 2015. This has formed a spatial mismatch between the growing urban population and the remaining UGSs. Accordingly, the number of residents of areas outside these cooling spaces increased by 4.23 million per year. In particular, the shortage of cooling services was more significant in cities with < 20,000 USD gross domestic product per capita and < 5 million residents than in the rest of the cities. To minimize the adverse impacts of increasing temperatures, focused greening plans are warranted, specifically in underdeveloped cities.
刊物名称: Environment International
参与作者: Y. L. Dong, Z. B. Ren, Y. Fu, N. L. Hu, Y. J. Guo, G. L. Jia and X. Y. He


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