
Vegetation Greening, Extended Growing Seasons, and Temperature Feedbacks in Warming Temperate Grassl

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Vegetation Greening, Extended Growing Seasons, and Temperature Feedbacks in Warming Temperate Grasslands of China
第一作者: Shen, Xiangjin
英文第一作者: Shen, Xiangjin
联系作者: Shen, Xiangjin
英文联系作者: Shen, Xiangjin
发表年度: 2022
卷: 35
摘要: Vegetation activity and phenology are significantly affected by climate change, and changes in vegetation activity and phenology can in turn affect regional or global climate patterns. As one of the world's great biomes, temperate grasslands have undergone remarkable changes in recent decades, but the connections between vegetation activity and phenology changes and regional climate there have remained unclear. Using the observation minus reanalysis (OMR) method, this study investigated the possible effects of vegetation activity and vegetation growing season changes on air temperatures in temperate grasslands of China. The results showed that average NDVI of the temperate grassland significantly increased by 0.011 decade(-1) for the growing season during 1982-2015. The growing season started earlier and ended later, resulting in an extension. Increased vegetation activity during spring and autumn significantly warmed spring and autumn air temperatures by reducing albedo. By contrast, summer greening had no significant effect on summer temperature, due to the opposing effects of decreased albedo and enhanced evapotranspiration on temperature. The earlier start and later end of the growing season contributed to warmer spring and autumn air temperatures. As phenological changes had no significant effect on summer temperature, the extended growing season warmed air temperature. Our results suggest that the climate change-induced increasing vegetation activity and extended growing seasons can further aggravate regional warming in temperate grasslands of China, implying that the effects of vegetation activity and phenology changes on regional climate should be considered in climate models for accurately simulating climate change in temperate grasslands.
刊物名称: Journal of Climate
参与作者: X. J. Shen, B. H. Liu, M. Henderson, L. Wang, M. Jiang and X. G. Lu


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