
Transfer of Nitrogen and Phosphorus From Cattle Manure to Soil and Oats Under Simulative Cattle Manu

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Transfer of Nitrogen and Phosphorus From Cattle Manure to Soil and Oats Under Simulative Cattle Manure Deposition
第一作者: Zhao, Chengzhen
英文第一作者: Zhao, Chengzhen
联系作者: Zhong, Rongzhen
英文联系作者: Zhong, Rongzhen
发表年度: 2022
卷: 13
摘要: Simulated cattle manure deposition was used to estimate nutrient transfer to soil and oats and to investigate changes in microbial community composition and functional groups in oat rhizospheres. Nutrient absorption and return efficiency were calculated as a series of standard calculation formulas, and total nutrient transfer efficiency was nutrient absorption efficiency plus nutrient return efficiency. In total, 74.83% of nitrogen (N) and 59.30% of phosphorus (P) in cattle manure were transferred to soil and oats, with 11.79% of N and 7.89% of P in cattle manure absorbed by oats, and the remainder sequestered in the soil for 80 days after sowing. Cattle manure increased oat root length, surface, and volume under 0.2 mm diameter, and improved relative abundance of the microbiome known to be beneficial. In response to cattle manure, several bacteria known to be beneficial, such as Proteobacteria, Bacteroidota, and Firmicutes at phyla the level and Pseudoxanthomonas, Pseudomonas, and Sphingomonas at the genus level, were positively related to oat biomass and nutrient accumulation. For fungal communities, the relative abundance of Ascomycota is the predominant phylum, which varied in a larger range in the control treatment (81.0-63.3%) than the cattle manure deposition treatment (37.0-42.9%) as plant growing days extend. The relevant abundance of Basidiomycota known as decomposer was higher in cattle manure deposition treatment compared to that in control treatment at 15 days after sowing. More importantly, cattle manure deposition inhibited trophic mode within pathotroph like Alternaria and Fusarium fungal genus and promoted saprotroph and symbiotroph.
刊物名称: Frontiers in Microbiology
参与作者: C. Z. Zhao, J. Hu, Q. Li, Y. Fang, D. Liu, Z. G. Liu and R. Z. Zhong


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