
Effect of No Tillage System on Soil Fungal Community Structure of Cropland in Mollisol: A Case Study

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Effect of No Tillage System on Soil Fungal Community Structure of Cropland in Mollisol: A Case Study
第一作者: Gao, Ming
英文第一作者: Gao, Ming
联系作者: Li, Meng
英文联系作者: Li, Meng
发表年度: 2022
卷: 13
摘要: Conservation tillage is generally regarded as a sustainable farming system for the future. The fungal community structure has a strong response to conservation tillage. However, how the conservation tillage system affects the soil fungal community structure is little known. Using the high-throughput sequencing technology, the soil fungal community was explored under no tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT) in Northeast China Mollisol. The copy number of fungal genes in NT20 was significantly lower than that in other treatments. NT changed the composition of soil fungal communities at the taxonomic level of phylum and genus. The diversity indices of the soil fungal community in no tillage at soil depths of 0-5 cm (NT5) were significantly higher than those in soil depths of 5-20 cm (NT20). The fungal community under NT and CT could form a good cluster distribution and NT5, conventional tillage at soil depths of 0-5 cm (CT5) and 5-20 cm (CT20) had specific indicator species. Most of the potential pathogens were significantly higher in NT5 than in NT20. Tillage and soil depth could explain 64% of the diversity and 95% of the composition of the fungal community, which indirectly changed the diversity and composition of fungi by using soil organic carbon, pH value, and soil bulk density. Furthermore, soil organic carbon (SOC) best explained the soil fungal community, followed by soil pH. The study indicated that the NT system had a comprehensive effect on the soil fungal community and SOC is the most crucial factor in determining this community.
刊物名称: Frontiers in Microbiology
参与作者: M. Gao, H. Y. Li and M. Li


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