
Archaeal communities perform an important role in maintaining microbial stability under long term co

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Archaeal communities perform an important role in maintaining microbial stability under long term continuous cropping systems
第一作者: Liu, Zhuxiu
英文第一作者: Liu, Zhuxiu
联系作者: Liu, Junjie
英文联系作者: Liu, Junjie
发表年度: 2022
卷: 838
摘要: Long-term continuous cropping of soybean can generate the development of disease-suppressive soils. However, whether the changes in microbial communities, especially for archaea, contribute to controlling soil sickness and improving crop yields remains poorly understood. Here, real-time PCR and high-throughput sequencing were employed to investigate the changes in soil archaeal communities in both bulk and rhizosphere soils under four cropping systems, including the continuous cropping of soybeans for a short-term of 3 and 5 years (CC3 and CC5, respectively) and fora long-term of 13 years (CC13), as well as a soybean-maize rotation for 5 years (CR5). The results showed that CC13 and CR5 significantly increased archaeal abundance, reduced the alpha-diversity of archaeal communities, and changed soil archaeal community structures compared to CC3 and CC5. Microbial co-occurrence network analysis revealed that CC13 led to the higher resistant microbial community and lower the relative abundance of potential plant pathogens in the network compared to CC3 and CC5. Correlation analysis showed that the microbial resistance index was negatively correlated with the relative abundance of potential plant pathogens and positively correlated with soybean yields in both bulk and rhizosphere soils. Intriguingly, the random forest (RF) analysis showed that archaea contributed the most to soil microbial resistance even though they were not at the core positions of the network. Overall, structural equation models (SEMs) revealed that high resistant microbial community could directly or indirectly improved soybean yields by regulating the relative abundance of plant pathogens and the soil nutrients, suggesting that the regulation of soil microbial taxa may play an important role in maintaining agricultural productivity under continuous cropping of soybean.
刊物名称: Science of the Total Environment
参与作者: Z. X. Liu, J. J. Liu, Z. H. Yu, Y. S. Li, X. J. Hu, H. D. Gu, L. J. Li, J. Jin, X. B. Liu and G. H. Wang


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