
A review on the impact of domestication of the rhizosphere of grain crops and a perspective on the p

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

A review on the impact of domestication of the rhizosphere of grain crops and a perspective on the potential role of the rhizosphere microbial community for sustainable rice crop production
第一作者: Chang, Jingjing
英文第一作者: Chang, Jingjing
联系作者: Tian, Chunjie
英文联系作者: Tian, Chunjie
发表年度: 2022
卷: 842
摘要: The rhizosphere-associated microbiome impacts plant performance and tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses. Despite increasing recognition of the enormous functional role of the rhizomicrobiome on the survival of wild plant species growing under harsh environmental conditions, such as nutrient, water, temperature, and pathogen stresses, the utili-zation of the rhizosphere microbial community in domesticated rice production systems has been limited. Better insight into how this role of the rhizomicrobiome for the performance and survival of wild plants has been changed during domestication and development of present domesticated crops, may help to assess the potential of the rhizomicrobial community to improve the sustainable production of these crops. Here, we review the current knowl-edge of the effect of domestication on the microbial rhizosphere community of rice and other crops by comparing its diversity, structure, and function in wild versus domesticated species. We also examine the existing information on the impact of the plant on their physico-chemical environment. We propose that a holobiont approach should be explored in future studies by combining detailed analysis of the dynamics of the physicochemical microenvironment surround-ing roots to systematically investigate the microenvironment-plant-rhizomicrobe interactions during rice domestica-tion, and suggest focusing on the use of beneficial microbes (arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Nitrogen fixers), denitrifiers and methane consumers to improve the sustainable production of rice.
刊物名称: Science of the Total Environment
参与作者: J. J. Chang, J. A. van Veen, C. J. Tian and E. E. Kuramae


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